Hi, I'm New To This Forum...


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
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... and I still have no clue!

My Dad kept fish, then so did I. I learned from experience mostly, so I guess I get a lot wrong, so don't expect much advice from me to start, just in case.

My setup:
Freshwater tropical
120cm x 43 x 60 deep tank (4ft x 1.5ft x 2ft), approx 270 litres
Undergravel filter powered by two powerheads (can't remember l/h, but easily enough)
Gravel substrate
Fluval 2 box filter (just to keep floating debris cleared)
4 bogwoods, two with Java fern (one big)
2 other types of plant (can't remember names)
12 (maybe) Red Eye Tetras
3 Ruby Tetras
5 Cardinal Tetras
1 remaining Platty
1 sick Common Plecostomus
Nothing artificial

Maybe I'll post a pic, when I've cleaned the tank ;)

It's great to find a forum as good as this. Maybe I can get answers to all those questions I have, and find out whether I've been doing it right all these years.
Welcome to the forum. I'm new to fish keeping (about 4 mths) and have learnt so much since I found this site a week ago...

Everyone seems quite friendly and Ive always had responses to any questions - I'm sure you'll be made welcome.

My dad kept fish for many years but I never had any interest until I left home.
I am a newbie as well, seems like a good forum, hope you enjoy your stay.

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