Hi from Gloucestershire UK

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That will give you a page with a table with hardness at the top. Tell us the number for "hardness German". That's the same as dH, one of the two units used in fish keeping. There is a calculator on here to convert it to ppm, the other unit used in fish keeping.
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That will give you a page with a table with hardness at the top. Tell us the number for "hardness German". That's the same as dH, one of the two units used in fish keeping. There is a calculator on here to convert it to ppm, the other unit used in fish keeping.
It’s 10.38
That's 180 ppm. Your strips are measuring the same as the water company's testing company :) It's always worth checking.

That's a bit on the hard side for a lot of soft water fish suitable for the tank size, but it should be OK for fish like endlers - they are bright little jewels of fish which now have many different varieties. But just males - females are larger, plain grey and will have so many babies you'd be overstocked in no time. They'll also be fine with amano shrimp.
That's 180 ppm. Your strips are measuring the same as the water company's testing company :) It's always worth checking.

That's a bit on the hard side for a lot of soft water fish suitable for the tank size, but it should be OK for fish like endlers - they are bright little jewels of fish which now have many different varieties. But just males - females are larger, plain grey and will have so many babies you'd be overstocked in no time. They'll also be fine with amano shrimp.
I think we may be leaning towards Enders, it’s been so informative joining here before putting fish in. I’ll have to look at how the pseudomugil handle the water as we like those too 🥰
I think we may be leaning towards Enders, it’s been so informative joining here before putting fish in. I’ll have to look at how the pseudomugil handle the water as we like those too 🥰
There is two Pseudomugils species I would LOVE for you to look at.
One is the Pseudomugil luminatus. Or red neon. They are absolutely stunning!
And the second one that is what I think I'm going to get for my upgraded tank later is Pseudomugil gertrudae Aru II. Or spotted blue eye Aru II.
Both extremely

The Pseudomugils species are all from an Island called Papua New Guinea. I have fish from that island.
Peacock Gudgeons (Tateurndina ocellicauda).
They are in the same rivers and streams as the Pseudomugils.
There is two Pseudomugils species I would LOVE for you to look at.
One is the Pseudomugil luminatus. Or red neon. They are absolutely stunning!
And the second one that is what I think I'm going to get for my upgraded tank later is Pseudomugil gertrudae Aru II. Or spotted blue eye Aru II.
Both extremely

The Pseudomugils species are all from an Island called Papua New Guinea. I have fish from that island.
Peacock Gudgeons (Tateurndina ocellicauda).
They are in the same rivers and streams as the Pseudomugils.
I’ll definitely look those up :) thank you
I want to give you some private information. Please PM me soon so we can have a private discussion. Thanks

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