Fish Crazy
Yes it deffo a lot of work, I thought we were there.. little did I knowYah that makes sense.
I have a lot of biofilm built up so I need a "clean up crew" lol. That's just my excuse, biofilm doesn't HAVE to be cleaned but I know that shrimps and snails like that stuff... They'll also eat up all the leftover food!
The tank I have now is also my second set up. I took this thing VERY slowly at first. Very good on your part to do the same.
It can take a bit to learn the nitrogen cycle and stuff. As well as setting the ecosystem up for the fish. It's a lot of work
Hello hope brizzle is sunny todayHowdy, neighbour! *waves from Brizzle*
While the tale about the oranda is very sad, it's great to see that you want to learn from this and make sure to make it a good home for whatever fish you get in the future!
I'm not the greatest at cycling, but live plants can help a lot with getting a tank ready for fish. Love that you've used live plants! Only trouble is that most of the ones you have are pretty slow growing. Good beginner plants, but they don't grow fast enough to suck up ammonia the way a bunch of elodea/hornwort/guppy grass/water wisteria would. If you could get your hands on a couple of bunches of one of those, it would help things along and improve water quality once the fish are in there.
Warnings for beginners, especially when shopping for kids - I'm sure you've learned by now that goldfish of any sort not suite for a small tank like this.
I'd also recommend avoiding the livebearers. Guppies/platies/mollies/swordtails. The later two get too large for this size tank, and if you have females of any livebearing species, you're very quickly overwhelmed with fry that you won't be able to manage in a 13g, and means a lot of hassle in growing them out and rehoming them/finding a store to take them too. Male only guppy tanks can work, but pet store guppies tend to be sickly and carry disease often, and even under the best of circumstances, you're only likely to get a year or two before they pass, if you're lucky. So easily setting up a kid for heartbreak.
A warning about bettas/Siamese fighting fish too. Beautiful fish, suited to this size tank, more forgiving when it comes to water conditions and very popular with kids... but they're also not a very long-lived fish, and I'd say sick bettas make up a huge, disproportionate amount of the "Help! My fish is sick!" posts that we get here. If you decide you want a betta, try to get one with short fins, since they're much less likely to sustain fin damage that leads to infections, and not quite as overbred and interbred (yet) as their long-finned kin. Also worth seeking out a breeder via ebay or similar rather than a store and paying a bit more, rather than picking up an import from the store or certain ebay sellers.
Have you or your child had any ideas on what sort of stocking you'd like?

The fish store suggested maybe three rainbow fish (electric blue face) for the dash of colour and some long tailed white clouds upto 6 then the tank would be full.
We’re sticking with temperate water so most of the suggested fish above won’t do well,
I’d love torpedo Barb but again they’ll grow too big. and I can’t just have a pair.
I’ve also thought about a betta but I don’t think my skill level is good enough for one.
Happy to see how we go with the small ones and hopefully give them a good home and a great chance to live happy.