Hi Everyone My First Venture Into Fish

hi everyone I've not been back on for a few days...Jimbo my shrimp has unfortunately met with a sad end...I hadn't seen him for a few days so presumed he was hiding in my submarine but yesterday when we were doing the water change I noticed something brown and long on the carpet near the tank area...it was Jimbo I have no idea how he got out whether he was on the lid near the filter and somehow fell off ? when it was opened to feed them all ,  it obviously had happened a little while ago as he was crispy and definitely dead....do they climb out occasionally ? im a bit reluctant to get another one if this is what they do because obviously it suffered before died with no water etc ...Captain Nemo and everyone else doing fine :)
We found one small snail last night (definitely not an offspring from Nemo) when the night light was on and had not seen any before although the plants had been in 3 weeks and I thought we had been lucky to get away with none :(
Hope you are all keeping well
I'm so sorry for your loss! 

Yes shrimp can be little escape artists.
What are your water parameters if I may ask? I wonder if there was a reason it wanted out of the tank.
Not trying to be rude just sometimes there is a reason like bad water.
It can take a while for snails to appear, I wouldn't worry over it, as long as you don't overfeed there shouldn't be a problem. They're a good clean up crew too :)
hi Mariah I water tested yesterday and all 0 and ph 7 so I think all ok but there is a small gap at the back of the tank where the filter sits so maybe he climbed out of there ? who knows and he definitely can't tell me lol :) not seen any more little snails yet so hopefully was just a rogue one

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