Hi everyone I need your support

I dont see why not!!! I love looking at and hearing about other peoples pets, and if there was a comp Id get to see even more! Im all for it!
yay POTM, as long as people aren't joining the forum to show there non-fish pets people with fish should get a chance to show there toehr pets as well!!
thanks that is the kind of people we need to make this happen keep these comming and soon we may have a POTM contest.
I' m all for POTM! We already have a household pet forum, so I don't see how i t would take away from the fish...No one is suggesting that we replace FOTM with POTM for goodness sake! C'mon it will be tons of fun! :nod:
:cool: :cool: that is the way to look at this, believe me if i thought it would take away from the fish I would be the first one to say no but this isnt the case at all. come on guys and gals it will be loads of fun to see all the different pets everyone of us fish lovers have besides fish to,,PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: I :wub: the ideal
:cool: I think potm is a great idea. Maybe a little unfair though, cuz once I post a pic of my cutie wootie Casey wasey I already know Ill win. he he :p

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