Hey Folks!


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Hey guys, new to the forums. I came here when I was looking up allergic reactions to blood worms, and really became interested in the people here. It's nice to see a site just for fish! I recently started up a 4 gallon freshwater tropical tank. I have a peppered cory catfish, two long finned danios, and three guppies.

I'm a 26 year old female from a small area in California. I moved into a new town with the boyfriend, and sadly had to give up my cats after 4 years so I wanted a new hobby to occupy my time, and distract me. Seems to be working!

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
Hello & welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your cats at least fish won't scratch your furniture and leave hair everywhere.
Welcome to the forum! Unfortunately, a 4 gallon is not enough to hold your fish. They need parger schools, are zebra danios are very active. Why not get a betta, and some endlers livebearers or ember tetras?
Welcome to the forum! Unfortunately, a 4 gallon is not enough to hold your fish. They need parger schools, are zebra danios are very active. Why not get a betta, and some endlers livebearers or ember tetras?

I guess my research was inaccurate then, as I was told that Danios were the most hardy, and having a couple in a smaller tank is fine. I only got two so that they could swim together, and they are actually doing great. I had three guppies, but just gave one to an experienced breeder/friend as he was harassing the other two. Still have the Cory, and he is loving it because he has free reign on the bottom of the aquarium. The two guppies I have are tequila sunrise guppies, both male. I didn't get tetras because I thought they weren't as hardy as the ones I have now. I appreciate any tips you can give me though.

Hello & welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your cats at least fish won't scratch your furniture and leave hair everywhere.

Thank you! And yes, even though the tank requires maintenance, it's nice to not be scooping up a litter box, or woken up when a cat wants out. :rolleyes:

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