He's blind as a bat...

UUuuugh - I completely feel your pain.
That's how I'd be feeling right now if i hadn't gone back and gotten this boy - and I was feeling WAY like that about Eeyore - the guy that Grulla went and rescued when she heard how distraught I was over him.
It's lucky this time I had an empty tank that I had room for him or I would have had to leave this one behind. I'd have been a basketcase.

This guy is so inspirational - he's now swimming around the tank checking everything out - by running into it. :wub: He was terrified of the hornwort i had in there at first, but now he occasionally stops and rests on it. He has found a great place up on top of the thermometer to hang out now.

I can't wait til tomorrow to post pics!

You know - if it was PetSmart that you were at.... and you are pressed for a new tank and a place to put one - they had some cute little betta things that were 1/2 gallon tanks, and they had a see-thru colored lid on them. They remind me of critter keepers. They were 7$. Maybe you could possibly put one in there, if your house is warm enough that you wouldn't need a heater... :whistle:
I figured out how to feed him. Eek.
I have to literally drop a pellet to land right on top of his head, then he backs up and grabs it. If it misses by the slightest bit, he doesn't know it's there. Out of probably 15 pellets dropped in, he got 3.

I guess we'll be doing pretty frequent water changes with this guy if I can't get all the pellets that he misses.
Well, I actually have some spare critter keepers (I think they hold about 3 quarts of water, not quite a gallon), but the thing is, I tend to really obsess over my pets and wanting them to have the best I can give them. Heck even with Orion and Draco, sometimes I worry that they don't have bigger tanks, even though they really seem very happy. My office (in my home, I work from home) is the warmest room in the house, probably because me, 2 dogs, and a bird are in here a vast bulk of the day on weekdays as well as a lamp and computer running (producing heat), but the temps would still fluctuate quite a bit in the winter and I'd have to provide stable heating, plus I'm about out of room in here for desk space or anything else! I know myself very well. I KNOW I wouldn't settle to leave him in a critter keeper.

Heck when I went to get my betta, I only planned to bring ONE home as I had one tank, but I couldn't bear to leave Draco behind as he seemed smaller, kinda inactive and less brilliant than the other fish but I just was drawn to him. I had planned to keep HIM in the critter keeper, but that lasted all of one day.... and I couldn't stand it, I wanted him to be as happy as Orion. I went out and bought him a tank. I've spent SO much time, money, and most of all WORRY over these guys since I got them (I'm a chronic worrier). I'm fortunate that I have a hubby doesn't get frustrated with me about this stuff :p. But the biggest thing really is that he may be losing his job in a few months (found out the company he works for is being sold), and we really need to save all we have in case that happens. If I took on another, I'd need to be prepared that I'd need to spend some money if he got sick, or if his temperature fluctuated too much in a small container, although like I said, I know it'd only be a matter of time before I'd go out and blow a bunch more money on a nice tank setup for him. I have very little self control when it comes to providing for my pets.

SO... bet you didn't expect to hear my life story right? LOL.. I guess I'm still trying to talk my own self out of making an impulsive and rash decision. I really would love to add more and plan to add more at some point, but I just don't think now is the right time. It's still SO hard though. I've always wanted a black betta boy and he was GORGEOUS. I just hope who ever gets him will give him the home he deserves. I hope they all do... although I know that won't happen :(. This is also why I never visit animal shelters unless I'm in a position to adopt. It haunts me for days!
Haiku - I'm exactly the same way.
EXACTLY. I didn't even have any business getting this guy - but it just so happened that Harvey had just been moved to the 10G tank and when Archie goes, I'm giving his tank away right away so I'm not tempted to get anymore.

You're being very resposible, though, in not getting him (for now anyway) - and rather than make a rash decision that you might feel a bit guilty for later, it's best to at LEAST sleep on it before you decide.

Good for you BettaMomma and good for your new betta :)

Can't wait to see pics of him :wub:

I'm sure he'll have a lovely happy life with someone who cares for him and understands his limitations. Imagine if someone had bought him not realising he was blind :crazy: it just doesn't bare thinking about
BettaMomma, when my first betta was getting very old, I noticed that it was very hard for him to find his food. It was sad watching him bob for the food and keep missing. But I think he eventually found the pellets. He was like this for quite awhile before he died. :(

But good luck with your new guy. I'm sure he will do just fine! If he has always been blind, then he is used to finding food. :)
:kana: :kana: I'm so glad you got him!!! I worried about him all night. I was trying to think of how to tell my hubby I was driving to Wisconsin to buy a $3 fish. :whistle: I do have two name suggestions. Keller - as in Helen or Louis as in Louis Braille, the inventor of the Braille alphabet that is used today. :) Just my two cents worth. Now I can sleep tonight. :zz
LOL! Maybe you could have deducted the mileage because it sort of would have been a "work related expense" :whistle:

Louis it is! I love that name :) I've been trying to figure out what to name him, and couldn't come up with anything very good. That's great, I love it!

I don't have pics ready to post yet - I'm still at home this morning.
I need to go get my taxes done this morning (nothing like waiting til the last minute, eh?) then when I get to the office I will post them.

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