Her Name Is Rio...

the tall one is Hygrophila corymbosa. :good:
Good work.Love this plant.Bullet proof.The irony is that i asked for an id of it when i first joined and was told it was Polysperma! just goes to show that you shouldn't listen to anyone everyone on here
.Don't worry i won't name the culprit.They know who they are.
it does look good though Stu, you should be proud of that tank...reminds me a little of 'the shade' by George Farmer

courtesy Of George

Ta.getting there.Not seen that scape before, something to aim for (not enough pots in there for my liking
Any suggestions? I'm always up for comments. The difformis is on the way out i think, maybe some type of crypt to replace?
some Crypt Wendtii 'tropica' would look nice in you tank, or Wendtii 'brown'. The Tropica would add a larger leaf and would look good ove in the right side of the tank.
Quick update.Plant pot gone for now.Wisteria is fading fast, as is the foreground Tennelus. Dwarf sag seems ok though.Hygrophila corymbosa & Polysperma really taking off, and the new Bacopa Australia is settling in, if the Rams ever stop digging it up.Vallis still throwing out runners everywhere.

Went to LFS for some more Hengli's, but they were out so got 6 more Rummy's instead.

Before buying the Bolivains i was on the lookout for some Apisogramma Nijsseni for ages but could never find any.Guess what they had in yesterday?

Now on the lookout for some crypts to replace the Wisteria.
Quick update.Plant pot gone for now.Wisteria is fading fast, as is the foreground Tennelus. Dwarf sag seems ok though.Hygrophila corymbosa & Polysperma really taking off, and the new Bacopa Australia is settling in, if the Rams ever stop digging it up.Vallis still throwing out runners everywhere.

Went to LFS for some more Hengli's, but they were out so got 6 more Rummy's instead.

Before buying the Bolivains i was on the lookout for some Apisogramma Nijsseni for ages but could never find any.Guess what they had in yesterday?

Now on the lookout for some crypts to replace the Wisteria.

IMO, I think Wisteria needs ferts. Do you dose?
No.Not currently dosing anything.It's been doing well for months.The major change recently is shorter time period.Gave some to another person for their tank, who also doesn't dose and it grows ok in there, bit leggy maybe.
quick update: offloaded some Vallis which helped to pay for these.

Hygrophila corymbosa 53b
crypt beckettii "petchii"
crypt wendtii "tropica"

Dropped in to P@H on the off chance, picked up 3 tropica pots for £10.Good root growth & got 8-9 crypts out of each pot.



Sourced 2nd hand T8 light unit, which was cheap.No flaps (move from current T5 unit) & needs new tubes.Sourcing/pricing from lampspecs ATM.After reading round here, probably Osram865 to replace the 'daylight T5',

not sure about 'warmlight T5' yet.Liked the original warmlight because it showed off the orange in the T.Hengli nicely.

Not going to win any awards for my aquascaping (or photography), just want a decent looking tank in the lounge.I'm still in the, put stuff wherever, style.

Finding out how to grow different plants well & learning how to 'read' the tank are more of a priority at the moment.

Liking the new choices of plants stu. I fancy trying the hygrophila corym. It looks good, might look weird if it hits the top in the middle of your tank tho lol, how fast is it growing?

I had a warm light in my old 180, i now have a pink tube, for reds ad blues i believe and i really like it.
Liking the new choices of plants stu. I fancy trying the hygrophila corym. It looks good, might look weird if it hits the top in the middle of your tank tho lol, how fast is it growing?

I had a warm light in my old 180, i now have a pink tube, for reds ad blues i believe and i really like it.

Point taken.Grows pretty fast, but not so much it takes over.When it gets too tall, i just trim back and replant. One stem has produced 3 or 4 new ones in the last couple months.Will save you some....
Looks really nice, will probably steal a few ideas :) keep us updated!
This is a really nice tank, very impressive. You have used the Vallis well, i'm not a massive vallis fan, but i do like it when it's done like you've done it Stu.

I really like it! :good:
Looks really nice, will probably steal a few ideas :) keep us updated!

Cheers.feel free.

This is a really nice tank, very impressive. You have used the Vallis well, i'm not a massive vallis fan, but i do like it when it's done like you've done it Stu.

I really like it! :good:

Thanks mate.I know the big V isn't your favourite plant, boring & dull are two words i've seen you use

Am trying to ease back with it, when i first started i knew i could grow it easily with my hard water. It. plus the E.densa (now long gone) really helped a sterile tank get up and running.

Thanks for the "Tropica" suggestion.I think the shape and difference in foliage colour should work ok over by the Gold anubias & H. Corymbosa

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