

New Member
May 8, 2005
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hiya guys and girls
can someone please help me i have a female betta in her own tank but ive just been to feed her and i can see her tail and dorsal fin are sticking together, can anyone tell me what this si and what treatment to use for it

A 100% water change and a little aquarrium salt, is you tank filtered if not then you need a better water change routine..... at least every three days do a 50% change...... :)
okay ill do a 100% water change and yes she has a filter and air stone with plants.
after the 100% water change you should change the water every 3 days 50% like bettaman said. It's likely going through a cycle right now. A little aquarium salt can help also. If you don't have any it is sold at most stores in a little carton (like a little milk carton) and it says aquarium salt.
I agree clamped fins are a sign of stress and poor water quality.

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