

New Member
Feb 23, 2008
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I have spent a small fortune on a new filter and the instructions barely cover how to use it. It's a ProAqua CF-1500. I have connected it all together and but the button I am supposed to push to get the air out and the water in is doing nothing!
Can you help?
Hi, you could try manual siphoning, its not pleasant, make sure everything is connected and all the valves are open, then place a piece of hose on the outlet and try and make a seal with your hand or a clean wet cloth, then suck away!!! You will hear the filter fill up and hey presto, I have to do this for my fluval 405 as the cupboard its in prevents me from using the siphon rod effectively.

Works a treat but can be fiddly to get the seal if your outlet is an odd shape, you may have to take of nozels etc and put them back on once its all going.
Good luck
I’m not familiar with that filter but I’m sure you could fill it without the “priming “ button.
With the intake in the water suck on he end of the spray bar like a straw to start a siphon. The water should go up the intake and into the filter. Once it’s full put the spray bar back in the water and turn on fitter.

You beat me :p
Thanks for your help. Crisis averted. Manual siphoning did the trick (and I managed not to drink any of it!). I am amazed at how quit it is to run! Let's hope it works well too. Thanks again

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