Help! Pump Died!


New Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Hey all thank you for taking the time to read this post. Here's the skinny, Eclipse 25G tank purchased in Dec of last year. I was doing a partial water change and accidentally unplugged the pump instead of the heater, no prob, just plug it back in right!! Nope! Nothing. The impeller spins but the pump just humms and clicks. No water movement at all. This is a fully stocked mature tank, is there any chance the poipulation will live till wensday when the replacement arrives or will I be scooping up dead fish before then? I do have a full length bubble wall, but I know that only does so much. Add ontop of that I'm seriously concerned that the bacteria living on the bio-wheel and in the filter itself will die from lack of water! Please, if you have any advice HELP!!! Thank you in advance.
Give the pump a good clean, do you mean filter, clean it with a tooth brush, if filters don't start going, i just pull them up and down in the tank a few times to get the flow going.

Sorry not familar with your filters but this might help.

Your pad might need changing or a rinse in tank water to unclog it.

Sent a few pm out but i don't know if they will be able to help you, good luck.

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