Oh and I thought all you salties were scary
Thanks for the help!!!
I read online bigger tanks are better and they said exactly the same about if a fish died!
Really am leaning towards doing this soooo.... questions on exactly what to do next
I might be able to get the tank this weekend and clean it. Most likely can't afford LR until 8th April paypacket

bills etc. The guy is happy to wait to deliver it then. The LR is coming from him breaking his tank down, he had a 7ft tank with 70kgs of live rock but really 40kg is my limit. He also has 25kg bucket of red sea salt he only used 1/2kg of, said I can have it for £35, is this good? TBH not even started looking at salt lol!
Would 2 200w heaters be good for this tank and can I just use a normal heater or are there special marine ones? Also how much 'power' of powerheads would you reccommend??
I was reading about LR and think it sounds like fantastic stuff

does a great job! Do I need to think about a filter or a sump for this size tank?? Also things like a refugium and skimmers etc, needed or not?
There are so many bits of equipment people use and I don't know if its all needed!
Oh and what is the best sand, I guess it can't just be play sand like in my planted tank haha!!
Lastly, what is the best test kit!
Again sorry for al Qs, sometimes better to hear it straight than look up and hear contradicting things!!!