Help On Cleaning A Tank


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
Hi all you salty people :)
i am from the fresh side and want some advice. I am looking at buying a new tank but previously it was a marine tank. I want it for freshwater tank but there is a lot of staining from being marine. Is there any way to get this off? Can upload a pic if wanted!

Thank you very much guys :)
Hi all you salty people :)
i am from the fresh side and want some advice. I am looking at buying a new tank but previously it was a marine tank. I want it for freshwater tank but there is a lot of staining from being marine. Is there any way to get this off? Can upload a pic if wanted!

Thank you very much guys :)

The algae produced in marine tanks is quite easy to get off [the glass anyway]

My advice would be to fill the tank with hot water and get a brillo pad [dont use on acrylic] or..............A BOG BRUSH!
[nail brush & tooth brush are good for the corners or a magnetic glass cleaner but these can scratch acrylic]

You can get the tank sparkling clean again.........It just requires a bit of elbow grease.

I have heard people use vineger to clean!
Thank you! Does this look like normal algae from marines?

I certainly recognise the pattern of it but its hard to tell with the reflection!

Don't worry bout it anyway! Just scrub the hell out of it and it will soon be gleamin! lol!

Sure we can't persuade you to go salty?........You wont regret it!....
Dont tempt me! I would love to as marine tanks are fantastic! All the equipment confuses me and costs alot. This tank is only 50 quid :) it would look great as marine! Attached a photo :)

im just worried as getting a courier to pick it up if i get it and dont want it not to come off!

Thats a nice tank mate...........Would make a perfect marine setup! wink! wink! :lol:

Don't let the equipment confuse ya!........It's a lot simpler than it is!

In fact I find marine just as easy as tropical. [As long as you research first]

What equip confuses you exactly?

Did you say £50!......For all of that!................Fill it with water and check for leaks!
My bf has said i can look into marine! Im almost shaking with excitement! I would have to buy everything in stages.

Soooo any good info for researching equipment? Need to price up first. I know it needs a lot of research but if i see if its doable costwise first.

Thanks :)

Its just tank and stand basic lighting. 6ft tank!

Just i see different methods to use so not sure what i do and dont need.

He said it doesnt leak and used until 10 days ago
Equipment is as easy or as hard as your plans require.
A tank will run happily with just live rock, heater, powerhead (pump) and lights if you keep your stocking low and keep basic corals.
Skimmers start becoming a must with higher stocking/ keeping of more advanced coral.
Filters are a thing most of us steer away from as they are not needed and can cause more harm than good sometimes.

A few questions - has the tank got a sump (like another tank but underneath), what lighting does it have and what volume is it.

There is much White mans magic involved with marines, they really arnt as hard as they are made out to be. Some of my most successful systems have been low cost and low tech so don't let all the kit put you off.
Tank is 6ftx18"x18" on here the calculator makes it 382l.

On the description he said there were sump holes as previously used as marine but they have been covered.

I wouldn't be looking at complicated corals to begin with but eventually want some with a lot of colour. If I did it I plan to buy very slowly so again stocking could be 1 fish a week kind of thing. My planted tank is very crowded so it definately won't be heavily stocked like that!

He said it is only basic lighting but I will buy my own ballast and lamps etc anyway for it.

looking for a simple easy(er) set up. Any suggestions to get me an idea are helpful :D
I let Sogan give you most of the advice cos he's one of the best but you can buy live rock quite cheap if you buy it from broken down marine tanks. In the shops it's about £10-15 per kilo (and you'd need quite a bit)
A few powerheads only cost about £10-20.
I am currently looking at buying powerheads for my planted tank so as long as they are good would get the same ones, on ebay they seem cheap enough!!

I was thinking about the LR and sand and it is going to cost a lot to fill the tank. Also been reading and it said for corals I would need about 4 WPG lighting!!! WOW! I thought my 1.2 on my planted was bad enough haha!!

Im being so tempted into this but need to think practically for once :D I won't rush it thats for sure! Running without fish for at least 6 months to make sure its settled I think with jut the LR etc. I can get away with little problems in my planted but not with saltwater :)
6 months!!!
Make sure any equipment you buy is marine suitable, it usually is but sometimes isn't.
Live rock (like mentioned above) is best got from a tank breakdown, AC is good for that as are other forums, PM If you wanna know where to look.
The WPG rule is pretty useless in marine TBH as tank depths drastically alter light waves, let us guide you on lighting as it is a very custom thing. For that tank 6 t5s would be a good start but more will be needed later (unless OFC I can coax you to the dark side)

To get started just get LR, sand and dump it in some 1.025 salt water at about 26c. Done. No fuss, after a few weeks you are ready to start stocking but that's a story for later.

Please be aware that marine is easy as long as you care for your tank but as a plenty you will need to know that a few things are different in our world.

Nitrate = bad
Phosphates = bader
:) I keep a couple of planted tanks and it tool me some time to think of those two in a different way.
Wow I was reading online it said 6 months with just LR and everything running. Said gives 'things' time to grow :)
So when you say just get LR, you mean with equipment aswell? Or do I not need anything else? Also do I need to cycle the tank the same as with freshwater? Do you guys use the API reef test or is there another reccommened one? I have been looking on AC at live rock and there is one near me (ish) selling some. Is it best to get new sand?
As to the salt to use, what do you reccommend? All of it is new to me and I think I will get the tank and leave it standing there for some time while I research!
How do I check if it is suitable for marine?
When you say 6xT5's, what watt (haha) would each of them be and what kelvin rating?

Sorry for soooooo many Q's!!! haha

I have read someone from this side (cant remember who sorry) starting a journal of a planted tank and saying how weird it was thinking nitrate isn't so bad as we normally have 40ppm and not worry!!haha!
When I say just put the LR in the only equipment you will need is heat, pump (powerhead) and light.
£5kg is good get as much as you can afford, about 40ish kg should do your tank aaa good start.
Salt - I am using Kent ATM bit it is all down to preference.

Sorry If I am missing things but I am at work, I will sit down when I get home and be a bit more in depth.

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