Help Needed


New Member
Oct 26, 2008
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just setting up new tank aqua one 850 ar got no fish in at the moment set up saturday gravel water plants ph tested 7.5 checked today tank does seem as clear could it need new filters any help much appreciated
i know this sounds stupid but are you sure you washed the gravel enough befor filling it up?
scot :good:
Are you using brand new media or mature media borrowed from another tank?

Have you any plants or living ornaments (bogwood, etc)?
using filters that came with tank plus plastic plant and ornaments
using filters that came with tank plus plastic plant and ornaments

nothing to worry about, it sounds like a bacterial boom which will settle on its own after a few days,

are you fishless cycling then?
no chemical bacteria added new to this dont understand fishless cycling
no chemical bacteria added new to this dont understand fishless cycling

ok, did you wash the filter media before you used it? or did the filter come straight from their setup to yours untouched ?
if it was untouched then presumably you have cycled/mature media, if it was washed in tap water then you don't as you would have destroyed the beneficial bacteria.

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