Help needed on 2 new fish types to me


New Member
Mar 17, 2003
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Stockport UK
Whilst wandering around a new aquarium shop to me, I saw two new breeds to me.

1) The Spotted Hill Trout (Barellis Canarensis)

I think the latin name was correct. It looked like a brightly coloured member of the Danio family. They were Giant Danio size (aprrox 6cm in size).
I have never seen or heard of this breed. Can anyone help me with any info about them.

2) Mascara Barb

Sort of like a cross between a barb and a scissortail. But too large to be a scissortail. They were about about 8cm long and very fast swimming.
Any info on these would be greatly appreciated.


The only thing I can find on the Spotted Hill Trout is in here, and the scientific name doesn't exactly match (family, but not species);

On Mascara Barb I just keep getting Pamela Anderson for some reason!! :lol:
The picture were great. The spotted hill trout looks about right. When studying the other pictures my Mascars barb looks like a Malini's Barb. Probably the retailer has got it wrong. :crazy:
The retailers usually get their info from the wholesaler to be fair, these Cyprinids aren't that well known either side of the pond. Buy some and give them a try, they look like pretty impressive shoaling fish to me... through your experiences we could all learn a little more about them. Good luck alhcrv, keep us informed.... :)
I have already gone for it. There are currently 6 Mascara or Malini's barbs installed in my 5 foot (43 gallon tank). And yes they shoal. :hyper:

I will let you all know how they get on. As long as the big angel (I have 3 - the other 2 are small) and the big boss of the tank - the Zebra Malawi Cichlid leave them alone, they will be OK. They have got to catch them first.

The spotted hill trout will have to wait for 2 reasons.

1) The retailer is a large supestore style outlet, and has seemingly a bad reputation for diseased/stressed out fish. I never buy fish from a superstore
2) At £16.95 each they don't come cheap for a danio type fish. :no:

Will keep you posted.

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