Help Needed Fast!

i dont even think ray pups eat cyclops its so small and like you say its messy
at that size the rays should be on prawn,mussle and whitebait all chopped up to bite size to prevent mess :good:
Ok. I also feed them bloodworms,krill,brine shrimp, shrimp sold at super markets,silver sides,beef heart and clams.
I put blankets all over the tank so that the tank will be dark and will reduce stress. Tommorow I will test the water and do another water change, I will keep you guys updated.
I am going to wait until both rays are healthy before I take pics(and until I found out how to pist pictures.....) The rays will be moved into a larger tank within the next 3 weeks. I went to the lfs today to see if my test kit was right and they sold me bio-spira. I added the bio-spira and I am not noticing much of a change. I have left the tank uncovered(no blankets on it) all day and have just got home and noticed that one ray still wasn't as active as usual, so the tank is now covered again.
The tank is a 210 gallon (that is being upgraded within the next 3 weeks, already have a bigger tank thats being setup) The filtration is 2 penn plax cascade 1200, each is suitable for 150 gallons each. I use to have a fluval 403 and 2 405s but I replaced them because they were JUNK.
I sure will post some pics, of them in their new tank when I get the chance.
Ok I tested my water this morning and my ammonia went down to 2.0, but my nitrAtes are now high. I am going to wait until thiis afternoon to do another water change, so that the chemical would have been in the tank for 48 hours.
No I'm in the US and I bought my rays like 5-6 months ago. I will soon be looking for more rays to buy.

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