Help my sand poisoned my fish

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The bright gravel can be cool depending on the theme you're going for or if you are trying to match furniture in the room
@PheonixKingZ is Still very young and doesn’t think about those things. My goldfish don’t like sand and it fills their gut with sand. He also doesn’t think about different needs for different fish. He’s still learning.
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I am planning on cories, and maybe kuhlis..I was meant should I toss it since it might have been the sand causing the problem and not me stirring up the gravel?
I would get the Quckcrete brand.
Ive used play sand hate rinsing it 100 times. Im currently using black diamond blasting sand. Rinsed it once dropped it in, minimal clouding, clear in the morning. It also doesnt kick up dust when disturbed like play sand.
Having said that id never change substrate with fish in. Too much junk in substrate that gets into water column so i agree with byron and those who have surmised the problem was due to anaerobic stuff released that was trapped in old substrate.
Yes, this was my first time with play sand. I liked the black sand from Petco better.
Mine was 3 inches deep
If you keep the sand depth 2 inches or less does that help? I have a bag of sand I have been debating on using in a 10 gallon fry tank. If that is I ever get it pass the wife :whistle:
It’s suppose to be safer at 2” or below. I did 2” for the cories. I was told to run a knife threw it when cleaning just to help reduce pockets. Not stir it, just draw a line through it. One member on here told me I shouldn’t have done that so I don’t know. Some members on here have never touched their sand and claim it’s safe years later. I‘M counting on my cories to keep it stirred. :dunno:
That’s too deep, IMO. :)
Probably lol. I emptied my 20g when it cracked and put the gravel in my 10g and the extra just added in top of what I already had in this one
And buying fish is much more fun, so better to save on substrate and have more to spend on stock!

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