Help! Molly Problems


New Member
Sep 5, 2006
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recently i noticed my bb (balloon belly) molly was acting a little weird, normally he activly swimms around the tank, but i noticed him hanging around under a canopy of plants, he also was slightly reluctant to come up for feeding, sometimes it's seems as if he doesn't even notice. I looked a little closer and notice a couple things, he looks a little bit pufffier than normal, and his gills seem slightly flared, his scales look like they too are slightly flarred outward, and weirdest of all, he has what looks like a small bubble on his right side, the "bubble" is a little bigger than a pinhead, and slightly smaller than a nail head. it puffs out a bit, and is located in the middle of his right side. It could posibly be a VERY large scale that is set at a right angle? but i don't think so.

the tank is 10 gal, aquaclear 200 filter, kept at 76 degrees, some live plants about a tablespoom of saltper 5 gallons, i clean it every 2-4 weeks, as the molly is about 1 in. long and is the only inhabitant. he's about 1 year old. please help!
Scale protusion could be Dropsy although I have never experienced Dropsy so do not know much about it.

I heard molly's are brackish also so Some marine salts may help...

I may be wrong with this also but just trying to help a bit
Sounds like dropsy mate. I think it maybe in the pinned of beginner or this tropical fish emergenices for fish diseases.

Not much chance of survival :sad:

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