
New Member
May 15, 2022
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I'm relatively new to keeping fish and although I haven't had any problems with establishing my tank (60L) - I've noticed that my filter (Superfish AquaFlow 200) is a bit too strong, and although it comes with a spray bar, it seems to be pushing air through creating lots of bubbles and my fish struggle to swim through it due to its strong current. I've read some other posts particularly on similar problems but they all say to check for where air could be getting in & I am not sure on which parts of the filter to check as its mainly based on cannister filters. If anyone has any advice on how I can slow the current down I would appreciate it.
Turn the spraybar to face the back wall. You could also aim it up or down slightly. This will reduce the pressure for your fish. If you are up for a bit of diy you could make the holes in the bar a bit bigger - but experiment with the angles first.
The air could be getting in at the filter's intake tube if you have an air stone too close to it, the other area is where the head of the canister meets the body, there is usually an O-ring there for the seal. I always add food grade silicone lubricant to the O-ring during filter cleaning.
Is the water flow adjuster lever turned down as low as it will go?
Where is the filter positioned? The manual shows the body of the filter must be completely submerged though the spray bar can be above the water or under it.

As a side issue, don't replace the media cartridge like they say. I would break open the cartridge (will the bottom come off?), empty out the carbon and just wash the sponge in old tank water.

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