Help me please......Pleco trouble


New Member
Aug 23, 2004
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I've been keeping my planted 57litre (12 Gallon) community tank now for about a year, I bought my Common Pleco as soon as the water was ready and have loved his amusing character since, problem is he's getting too big for his boots! He's already at 4 inches and starting to create too much waste, trouble for other fish and eats all available food.

I'm aware that he could grow to the size of my tank and have no immeadiate plans to upgrade so I have arranged to have my LFS to take him back.

Problem is I still need a pleco for my community fish tank! I've been reading about Golden Nugget Pleco's because I understand they don't grow too big, too quickly and they are great looking fish but have read some things that put me off.

Please help this relative novice.....

My tank consists of:

2x Clown loaches
3x Red eye tertra
2x Serpae tetra
2x Penguins
4x Neon tetra
1x soon to depart common pleco
obviously need to update my tank list as 1x Platy died and one penguin mysteriously dissappeared!
Why do you need a pleco? If its for algea cleaning then a golden nugget is not the best choice as they actually eat very little algea.
Partly for algae cleaning, as my tank has been spotless due to my common pleco greedy habits.

But I also like pleco's as they are pretty intelligent fish, plus the golden pleco looks cool.

Do you have any other ideas for colourful/interesting algae eaters
Best choice of Plec for algae cleaning duties has got to be a BristleNose ;)

There are several diffent types about, but all grow to a max of $2-5" and are superb at keeping algae under control....

I've currently and temporarily got 5 in my 47G tank ;) 2 residents, and 3 vistors until I taken them to their new home in a couple of weeks time ;)

The 3 visitors are L059 White Seam Bristlenoses. They're a very dark colour, but have got very distinguished white spots all over them. Also have a white 'seam' down the end of their tail ;)
you could get a rubbernose pleco or if you just want a pleco for looks, get a clown plec (dont eat much algae)

i hope you also know that those clown loaches will eventually have to be given back to the fish store too as they are really only suited for larger tanks.
Thanks for all of your advice!

Jacblades: I'm aware that they thrive better in larger environments but they aren't going to grow much more, are they?? (presently 2 1/2 inches)

I plan to upgrade to a larger tank within the next 18 months when I move house, so surely they'll be fine till then?
18 months? i think they might be dead by that time.
when a fish s environment is too small, their outer bodies stop growing but their insides keep growing and they die. :(

i know the lfs wont usually tell you that when you buy them because theyre all about making money sadly.

5 inches snowie? try 10.
I realise I have come here to ask for advice but after checking a number of websites after reading your posts I read that they can grow to 12" in the wild but they rarely reach above 6" in a tank environment and can live for many years.

Given that I've had them for a year now and they have only grown half an inch and are very healthy and happy, I can't see how this will double in 18 months??
Firstly, whilst golden nugget plecos are beautiful fish they can get to 12inches, and so massively too big for your tank. I would advise against these.

Secondly, if you are looking for a small growing plec then most of the ancistrus (bristlenose) types would be fine.

Thirdly, clown loaches need IMO 50 GALS minimum. In 18months they could be 5 inches. Do not get any of them unless you know for a fact that within a year or so you will have an adequate tank. I have had clown loaches grow to 12 inches in an aquarium. Whilst clowns are commonly seen at 6" this is nowhere near fully grown and so in 18months they could be much bigger and ur tank could have stunted their growth. Also, no matter what any books or websites tell you, myself and others here who have owned clown loaches will tell you that they easily get to 8/10 inches and this is far too big for a 12G. I'm not trying to be a killjoy but honestly for the sake of the fish dont buy any.

Thats my rant over!

Good luck finding a suitable plec, jst remember, no clown loaches!
I saw three fully grown (or i assume so anyway) clown loaches for the first time in a friends 6ft tank last night. What an eye-opener!! mahoosive!!! one was at least 10", the other two slightly smaller but still pretty damn big!!
Once again, thanks to all of you that have added your advice, it seems that I have been grossly mislead by my LFS owner when I bought my fish.

I'm afraid Dman that I already own clown loaches in my 12 GAL tank, but luckily for them I actually care about my fish (not like the money grabbing LFS) and will upgrade as soon as possible to accomodate their growth and well being.

Hopefully if I do this within 6 months it won't be too late, otherwise I'll do the right thing and take them to a reputable fish shop.

Thanks for the advice about the Bristlenose, I'll look out for a handsome chap to join my tank.

It looks like I still have lot's to learn so you might see a bit more of my now humbled self!

Once again, thanks.


P.S Can you believe that I actually first came on here to enquire about how red crabs would get on in my community tank, hence the name! LOL
One more question??

Should I still get rid of my four inch common pleco if I plan to upgrade in 6 months??
Lol, its no problem, its what the forum is all about.

Normally i say dont have fish that would outgrow the tank theyre in without having the bigger tank because 6months down the line the finances might not be there. And clown loaches really do need a big big tank. Mine are in a 5' x 18" x 18" but you seem like you wanna learn and care for the fish so i wish you all the best with the clowns and hope that everything goes well.

I myself have a bristlenose plec and tomorrow i am buying an albino bristelnose and a starlight bristlenose. All really beautfiul.


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