Help me please......Pleco trouble

Thanks Dman

Money isnt the issue here, it's convincing my girlfriend!
it depens what size tank your going up to... 90gallons + would be good for a common plec...

we'll have to rehome our 9" soon from out 4ft 50gal...

I've got some bristlenoses if you fancy :)
I think a jump from 12 gallons to 90 is a little much for me just yet, so it looks like bye bye Common Pleco. He's such a cool geiser too. shame!

I'd love some bristlenose Plec's but I don't have transport to get to Milton Keynes, son't imagine fish do trains too well. Thanks for the offer though.
Lol, buy her a few nice expensive gifts lol. She'll soon be ok with it lol.
Not only will the plec get too big, but your clown loaches will also. They can reach 12" each and by keeping them in a small tank, their growth will be stunted.
Redcrab said:
Once again, thanks to all of you that have added your advice, it seems that I have been grossly mislead by my LFS owner when I bought my fish.

I'm afraid Dman that I already own clown loaches in my 12 GAL tank, but luckily for them I actually care about my fish (not like the money grabbing LFS) and will upgrade as soon as possible to accomodate their growth and well being.

Hopefully if I do this within 6 months it won't be too late, otherwise I'll do the right thing and take them to a reputable fish shop.

Thanks for the advice about the Bristlenose, I'll look out for a handsome chap to join my tank.

It looks like I still have lot's to learn so you might see a bit more of my now humbled self!

Once again, thanks.


P.S Can you believe that I actually first came on here to enquire about how red crabs would get on in my community tank, hence the name! LOL
Yeah I've already had to rethink my whole tank situation thanks to feedback earlier on this thread. But thanks for your advice.
maybe u should find another lfs to go to. good luck :thumbs:

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