Help! I Think I Have A Bad Problem.

Shrimp - there are literally hundreds of species of ornamental shrimp in a stunning array of colours. The nice thing about shrimp is they produce very little waste for their body size so you can have quite a few in a small tank!

Other small fish - micro rasboras. Loads of pretty little species. Look them up, OP!

Danio tinwini - just found out about these myself. Totally gorgeous! Like mini leopard danios but more awesome.
Was just re-reading this thread and would just like to comment what a great job Curiosity101 and Assaye are doing here. Kudos to you two! Keep up the good work!

~~waterdrop~~ :)
For shrimp, don't get bamboo or wood shrimp. These need a strong current to feed properly and would be unhappy and likely die quickly without such. They're large and brown and have fans instead of claws.
OK! The red-eyed tetras have been happily rehomed, and the pair of gourami are going on Saturday (also do a very good home)!

My plan after that is as follows.

Step 1. Get 2 or 3 more otos to make friends with the solo-oto that I currently have.

Step 2. Decide upon and purchase a lone main fish to look good in my tank. I'll do this after the otos have settled in, and then leave this fish to settle in too. Here I'm thinking a male betta, or possibly 2 or 3 sparkiling gouramis (would 2 be enough to stop them being too shy?), or a honey gourami, if I can find one I like the look of a lot. I looked at cockatoo apisto and scarlet badis and although they're great looking fish I don't think my tank is mature or stable enough yet, they seem like hard work for a beginner!

Step 3. After the main fish has got used to the tank and become pretty settled I will get some small shoaling fish, OR 2 or 3 african dwarf frogs. I saw these guys in the pet shop, they're so cute! My girlfriend will definitely love these guys. Anyway, if not them I was thinking black neon tetra, Hengel's rasbora or galaxy rasbora (this is a choice based on what my fish shop has to offer! It's been pretty steady recently).

Is this the right order to get these fish into my tank do you think? The otos do sort of have to be first though, since the solo-oto is the only fish currently in the tank who will stay in it.
Hi everyone!

Firstly I want to say thanks so much for all your help with this, I feel not only that my tank is completely OK now, but also that I am much more equipped for the keeping of fish in general.

So, here is my update (because you were so helpful I thought maybe you would be interested).

I did a lot of research into the recommended fish and inverts here and decided on what I thought would be the most interesting and aestheticly pleasing in my tank. I rehomed the red-eyes and the dwarf gourami in my friends tank where they are having a pretty good time (at least, I like to think they are!). I kept the oto and got 2 more, so that's 3 otos. They've been eating cucumber and pellets of algae and are tubby and jolly looking! I then got a golden apple snail (which hasn't touched my plants at all!) which is a fascinating animal, I'm a big fan, and a bamboo shrimp. I installed an airstone to provide an uplift of water in one corner of the tank which the bamboo shrimp loves to stand in and feed. Again, a totally interesting animal! After a lot of research into tetra species I found that the black phantoms are peaceful, and like planted aquariums and have very similar requiremtns to the honey gourami (which they are peaceful enough to be with), as well as being comfortable in pairs and groups of 4, so I got 2 black phantoms and 1 honey gourami (wild type I thin, with the yellow dorsal and black ventral fins)!

I am pretty pleased with the tank now, the fish are all behaving very like normal. The black pahntoms (1 male, 1 female) are great in the evenings, the male displays and looks amazing and they seem to get on fine, there is no aggression and minimal chasing. The honey gourami bumbles around getting on with his business without being bothered and everything seems tip top! The plants have also settled down and grown up really nicely giving a little forest in the back 1/3 of the tank!

So once again, thanks to everyone for their help, I feel like I have happy fish now!
Wow, really interesting followup and great to hear Henry! I always love the image of one of our members settling back to enjoy a tank that is now running to satisfaction! Keep up with the update every now and then and I hope we'll see you commenting on various threads every now and then!


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