Fish Fanatic
Hello! So I got a new batch of some wild guppies a few months ago and noticed a couple developed dropsy. Took some of their poop and stuck it under the microscope and found these guys. They moving around a lot and when they go on their sides they are the same sorta shape as a red blood cell (oval but flat but also curved). Thinking they are some sort of OVA parasite but was hoping someone could confirm what they are. Got some metroplex in the mail. Supposed to arrive today but looking at the tracking I think it’ll take longer (another few days). Would metroplex work? I have wild shrimp and snails too in the planted tank and a little unsure how to approach the situation. Pretty sure metroplex messes with the inverts so can’t dose the whole tank. Would dosing the food be okay? What if the inverts eat the medicated food? Will they be okay? How long do I dose with the food? Can the parasites live on in the other animals?