Help fish illness no clue


New Member
Mar 4, 2023
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United Kingdom
I have had tropical fish for nearly 3 years but totally baffled by latest situation had 5 platty and 1 betta for 18 months no problems then added 3 guppies from my other tank. All fish are female. The 8 months later I lost 3 fish 1 had dropsy 1 just dead after water change and 1 was just found dead 1 were 3 year old but two guppies died. 1 platty then went lethargic and bottom of tank clamped fins 1 guppy seems hanging out top of tank and 2 others are now flashing they seen to all have different symptoms. I treated with fungal api for mouth and fin rot. then melmix api for anti biotic. Ich treatment. Bloat and finally parasites all with least a week between. The platy still alive swims occasionally but has 1 white eye and mouth has rotted. The fish are still flashing. Water is in peramitors but most are hiding. 2 have now just had babies in last 2 days. I don't know what else to do.
I have had tropical fish for nearly 3 years but totally baffled by latest situation had 5 platty and 1 betta for 18 months no problems then added 3 guppies from my other tank. All fish are female. The 8 months later I lost 3 fish 1 had dropsy 1 just dead after water change and 1 was just found dead 1 were 3 year old but two guppies died. 1 platty then went lethargic and bottom of tank clamped fins 1 guppy seems hanging out top of tank and 2 others are now flashing they seen to all have different symptoms. I treated with fungal api for mouth and fin rot. then melmix api for anti biotic. Ich treatment. Bloat and finally parasites all with least a week between. The platy still alive swims occasionally but has 1 white eye and mouth has rotted. The fish are still flashing. Water is in peramitors but most are hiding. 2 have now just had babies in last 2 days. I don't know what else to do.
What are your water parameters is the first thing? What symptoms do the current fish have now?
I’m sorry to hear of your problems & am at a loss as to suggestions, other than frequent water changes. It’s too bad a guy named Colin isn’t still here. He knows more than anyone I’ve ever encountered.

PS I like your avatar. Is that synodontis angelicus?
You have been shotgunning meds, and that could be killing fish. That's quite a mix that has gone in. You never said you saw Ich, but you used Ich meds. Was there fin fungus? Were there parasites?

So, step one, calm. You really want to do something for your fish and that's admirable. But you wouldn't give a person chemotherapy for a cold, and you need to stop flinging meds. I won't say 'relax' because there is a problem. But ease up on medications and remedies until you can see what's wrong.

Dropsy is very often a symptom of old age in fish. It's kidney failure, and that takes a lot of old fish out. Bloat is often dropsy. 3 years is not an ancient guppy, but for a pet shop guppy that can be a good age. There's a very good chance that what happened was ordinary age related deaths. The platys is different, and it sounds like a bacterial infection. None of the meds you used would help there (Melafix is a mild remedy for fish skin issues). The only, very faint hope would be with a weekly 30% water change, forever. But it does sound advanced.

Fish have been known to die after a water change if you are doing changes a month or more apart. The change in the water can kill.

I couldn't tell you the parameters of any of my tanks, and last had a test kit 30 years ago. But the date of every water change goes on a whiteboard close by the tanks, and the time I'd spend shaking vials is better spent doing a water change. After all, that's what the little tests tell you to do, right?

I think you need an emergency water change run, 25-30% every day for a week, with dechlor treated water. Watch how the fish respond.

And now, the important question. How large in the tank and how many fish were in it at the high point?
Even with a week between you have added a LOT of meds. Unless you know the exact issue meds can cause more harm than good. I would do a major water change and add a carbon pack to your filter if possible to remove residues from the meds.

For instance as to adding meds possibly causing issues antibiotics can as easily kill the good bacteria your tank needs along with any possible bad guys. This can have adverse affects on water parameters that can cause further harm to your fish especially if they are under stress and/or ill. Another is the Ich treatment. Did any of the fish have little white spots? If not Ich was not involved so why treat..

I see that @GaryE has posted while I was typing but I'll post this anyway...
Hip Hip Hooray. There’s another Colinesque expert in our midst! Go Gary, Go.👍👍👍
Hip Hip Hooray. There’s another Colinesque expert in our midst! Go Gary, Go.👍👍👍
That is a serious compliment. Colin is back, but I think I have to try to fill in on the time zone issue. The man has to sleep sometime.
Yep, and he’s 13 hours ahead of us on the East Coast. it’s wonderful to have a pair of pros like you & Colin & the other highly experienced folks here.

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