Heater For 1 Gallon Tank?


New Member
Aug 6, 2007
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I currently have a 1 gallon tank, do they make heaters under 25w? I'm worried this winter when it hits 40's F at night. Right now with the tank light and room temp is around 75F.
im sure there must be a heater that can go up to only 1 gallon.

I know there are heaters out there that can serve from 1-10 gallons, so that would get the job done since it can serve any tank that is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,or 10 gallons
1 gallon tank? is that a typo? Thats not much bigger than a bottle of coke, has the fish got enough room to move about? How about getting a bigger tank then a heater wont be an issue anyway? How do you get a filter in there?
1g's are hard to heat, but I've heard that some people keep some kind of a heating pad under them to keep the temp constant. I don't know if you'd be able to find a regular heater for a tank that small.
As far as the heating pad goes, you'd have to look around and/or get some advice from someone who has used them before. I have a 3g and I found it difficult to get a heater that wasn't too big. As it is, it still takes up a good portion of the tank and the base of it rests on the gravel, which I don't really like, but what's a betta mum to do?

As an alternative, you could keep the tank in the warmest portion of your house. Nowhere near cold drafts from doors or windows. Other than that, I'd say research, research, research!
1 gallon is really tiny!! why have the tank so small? you rather just pay a few more $ for a larger tank. 5 gallon at least . I don't think heaters come any smaller than 25 watt.
Hydor makes a 7watt Heater. Though i've heard it only heats the tank 2 or 3 degrees. Your best bet would be to upgrade the tank and get a 25w heater.
Yep, there are 7 watt heaters. Use one of those. I wouldn't use a larger one, just in case. But I have a couple different kinds of 7 watt heaters for my smaller tanks and they work fine.
I'm looking at the Marinland Eclipse 6 gallon tank. Maybe I'll upgrade in a few months and use this as a changing tank.

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