Hayley's Cycle Log

double 0's this morning on Tank 2... :hooray: put it back up to 4ppm so here we go ...we are in the home stretch!!!
Tank 2 looks like is speeding ahead, if the tank can do 4mm ammonia in 12 hours pretty much every day it means the bacteria is there we just need to keep them feed now as the nirite takes on average twice as long so no point dosing 4ppm ammonia or it will just process it and settle as shed loads of nitrite :good: go for 2-3ppm ammonia for now until nitries catch up fully
Tank 2 looks like is speeding ahead, if the tank can do 4mm ammonia in 12 hours pretty much every day it means the bacteria is there we just need to keep them feed now as the nirite takes on average twice as long so no point dosing 4ppm ammonia or it will just process it and settle as shed loads of nitrite :good: go for 2-3ppm ammonia for now until nitries catch up fully
so it's at 1ppm..shall i wait till tomorrow to put it up to 3ppm?
Tank 1 has 0.25ppm of nitrite!!!!!! yayyyyyyy :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Tank 2 sported double 0's again this morning!!!
back up to 3ppm.......roll on 12 hours! :hyper: :hyper:
Tank 1 has 0.25ppm of nitrite!!!!!! yayyyyyyy :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

haha told ya we were due, so phase 2 begins :good:
you did BBA...and i must admit ...i didnt believe you :shifty:
i thought it was a tad lilac last night, but put it down to bad light. i stood right by the window with card and test tube and it did look baby blue...so i thought it was wishful thinking...this morning ..i pleaded with it to go Lilac and it did...so happy!
tap water test....


Dechlorinated Tap water....


Tank 1 Day 14


Tank 2 Day 10

ok.. Tank 1 on day 13: AM: Amm = 4ppm Ni = 0.25ppm Na = 0.25ppm
PM: Amm = 4ppm Ni = 0.50ppm Na = 5.0ppm

is this progress???

Tank 2 on Day 10: AM: Amm = 0.0ppm Ni = 0.0ppm Na = 20ppm
(+12 hrs) PM: Amm = 0.25ppm Ni = 2-5ppm Na = 40ppm

Added 1ml of Ammonia took it to 2ppm.
looks like Tank 2 is virtually there...

Amm has been 0.25 and 0 on two consectutive days now..added 1.2ml ammonia tonight..see how that fairs in the morning...am i nearly there???

Tank 1 is going good 0.25 of amm and 0.25 nitrite...best test yet!

Tank 3...looks like it wasnt cycled amm was still 3-4ppm this morning. OR they cleaned the sponge off!!! grrrrr :grr:
still the end of the tunnel is in sight!! :lol:
I don't know how you keep up with cycling three tanks, my head spins just cycling the one lol.

As well as these forums, I've got a little book I bought that I write all my readings and such down in. Gonna keep it going after I've cycled to make note of any changes to the tank, when I add fish and so on.

Glad to hear you're on the home stretch for at least one of your tanks. Fishies will be coming soon then!

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