Have You Ever Seen This Before?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 3, 2008
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I've been watching my jack dempsey for a while now trying to figure out a name for him. I have him in my 30 gallon tank and he loves it. Lots of swimming space and a pot to hide in. Well yesterday I came home to find 3 piles of gravel outside of his pot. But I saw him dig before so I figured that he had moved some gravel around. Well today I was on the computer and I heard some noises like he was moving things around again. Well come to find out he had been picking up the gravel inside of the pot and moving it all outside bu spitting it quite a distance. I decided his name will be chuck because it sounds like a name of someone that would do remodeling jobs...lol
haha sounds like you've got yourself a very crafty fish there, he might be up to something :p
is there any other fish in the tank?
He may be trying to make himself a fortress, I'd mess with him and move it all back and watch him again
haha my female krib used to do that in a cocnut shel she'd put gravel from inside and put it infront of the entrance and make just a small enough gap to swim in and out sideways lol
Yes there are two firemouth cichlids. They hide in the other small pot and through out the small plants I have.

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