Have I Done The Right Thing?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2006
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Hi all,

Having already got a tank set up with some fish, before joining & realising about cycling etc, I today decided to get some more fish, as my 39 gallon tank was rather empty, and I couldn't see the few fish I had getting the cycling going.

My water stats have been more or less the same since I got the testing kit a few days ago

ph 7.6
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0

I am doing daily water changes of 10% including the use of water safe and filter start (every two days)

My main reason for getting the fish was that I had one lonely guppy, so today I got him two female friends.

I was also worried that my Male sailfin was bugging my female a bit too much, so I've got another two female mollys, which he is over the moon about :wub:

So as long as I keep up the water changes I know my cycling might be slow but thats not a problem for me, as long as my fish aren't being poisoned by ammonia levels.
I didnt know about fishless cycling when I started and cycled with fish as well.
I tested every day and did daily water changes and the tank did eventually cycle
The only thing Id be concerned about is that guppys are not good fish to cycle with as they are not hardy at all due to inbreeding.You will be extremely lucky if you dont lose most or all of them before the tank cycles.
Platys would have been a better choice as they are a lot hardier
Good luck :)
I have lost some Guppys previously, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place as I was left with one guppy, and I felt sorry for him on his own, when my other fish were all in their little groups.

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