Have a 5 gal. aquarium

ottos dont like salt either, i killed a couple last week by accident because i didn't know i had salt in the tank. b careful -_-
Ok, now I am sooooooooo confused! I already add salt to my betta tank. About a 1/2 tsp per gallon (5 gal tank). They say this is good preventative care, and seeing as my betta is my best friend and the idea of a tank mate was for his benefit, maybe I should stay away from any additions!? EEK.
you could always add the snail or the shrimp :p if you chooes the shrimp ur betta will be happy as he might get a good meal out of ti :lol:

go with teh platties if you're afraid of the salt :) platties are good with salt.
I have a 5 gallon and in it I have 1 male betta and 1 cory, 1 snail and 2 otos (I originally had 2 cories, but one passed away before I could buy another and the otos I just put in because the tank is filthy. I transferred them from my other tank for the time being since the other tank is spotless where algae is concerned.) I don't add salt to the tank. The only time I would add salt is when the betta is in the 1 gal hospital tank... knock on wood this has not occurred and he's been healthy. So, it is an option to have otos, cories and snail in the tank, but when a fish gets ill you want to separate into a different tank to prevent the spread of disease. I don't know if you have a walmart near you, but they have 1 gal tanks for 10 bucks (max) that you could use as a hospital tank...
platties are the best. just get duller ones. the betta minght not like the bright color. um, another thing, platties like to be in twos. so get two girls.

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