Have a 5 gal. aquarium


that is a picture of an oto that i found on the internet. They will suck on the glass and play with each other, very interesting to watch. However, you will have to get them some kind of sinking shrimp pellet or algae wafer to compliment their diet and ensure that they're getting enough nutrition as tehy can't eat off scrapes forever!
:p what kidna question is that eh ;) they're cute unlike kuhlies cuz kuhlies are cute but scary lol and ottos are cute and small and cutelols
This pic should give you a better size approximation. They get to be about 1.5-2 inches I believe...


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Ok, so the oto picture you offered makes the species look almost cute, but with the size concerns, maybe I should stick to a cory or platys. Um, without sounding completely moronic, what does a snail do?
Snails according to www.liveaquaria.com:

(ramshorn snail)Marisa cornuarietis has a large appetite and will eat almost anything it can find including dead and rotting plants, fresh plants, dead animals, algae, plants, vegetables, fish food, frozen foods, and live foods.
snails will clean up algae, but other than that they'll sit there and look pretty :) :wub: apple snails are gorgeous, i have 2 in my 25G, and they are the cutest things to watch! trust me, you won't regret it ;)

how about a frog or some shrimp? i also have some ghost shrimps in my 25g (they haven't turned into food yet, which is quite amazing), and they're something different to watch too :)
cutecotton said:
ADFs, snails and ghost shrimps are the safest choices you have.
Hmmm, I've heard many stories of bettas eating ghost shrimp.
cation said:
cutecotton said:
ADFs, snails and ghost shrimps are the safest choices you have.
Hmmm, I've heard many stories of bettas eating ghost shrimp.
safe for hte betta ;)

:rolleyes: never said it was really taht "safe" for the shrimp :lol:

just joking, but i have kept shrimps with my bettas before and i've never lost one to a meal :)
maybe I contemplate a snail. So, in a slow methodic way, they're interesting? Because afterall, the purpose is to give Jeffrey (my betta) some company. And of Corys or Platties, which is easier? Should I note that I add salt to my tank everyweek when I do a water change?
You don't want to add salt if you have any cories, snails or otos (which are a type of catfish also). Or should I say a very very miniscule amount.
yeah cories are sensitive too salt, and too much will hurt them, so i wouldn't add the salt unless you find your fish sick.

I have gone full dose of salt on my otos and they seem fine, but someone on the forums told me that otos can handle the full dose of salt -_-

and yes, snails are very interesting :wub: like i siad, i love mine and i stare at them more than my fish :lol: sure it takes them....a lot of time to move, but once you start staring you can't stop :blink:

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