Hauling buckets.... there has to be a better way.... but what?

Has anyone found something like a rolling water container on a cart that they are using? Is there some other option I'm not thinking of? Any suggestions? My husband's aching back thanks you in advance.
I have a 120 GPH pump that I put inside my prepared water in a 5 gal. bucket. I attach 50' of tubing to the pump and connect the pump to a smart plug. Then I ask "the other wife" to turn the pump on and off as needed. I even say "thank you". Cut my water change time by 75% and no heavy lifting.
I do not like the Python because you cannot treat the water ahead of time and will not risk filling my tanks straight from the "tea" tap. The total cost was like $30 for the whole set-up (except the other wife).
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ooh ooh!!! that bread looks amazing!!!

I am the baker out of the two of us, but I am so lazy in that particular pursuit that lately hubby has taken over the bread machine and treats the household to a fresh loaf every few days. It might not be pretty but it still tastes better than store bought (and probably healthier too!) and hey, can't beat someone else baking your bread for you!!!!

Also, I think we may need to edit the epitaph to read "She was a bad influence to many." :D :p
I have a 12GPH pump that I put inside my prepared water in a 5 gal. bucket. I attach 50' of tubing to the pump and connect the pump to a smart plug. The I ask "the other wife" to turn the pump on and off as needed. I even say "thank you". Cut my water change time by 75% and no heavy lifting.
I do not like the Python because you cannot treat the water ahead of time and will not risk filling my tanks straight from the "tea" tap. The total cost was like $30 for the whole set-up (except the other wife).
This is pretty much the set-up we're working with now. Only change is we don't run the hose all the way from the treated water tank to the aquariums. We're planning an add-on to the house with a larger attached garage and when we do that I think we'll set up the super duper big container and run the hose from there with a submerged pump. Seems like the best and easiest solution.
Personally, the phyton water change system is not for me, I used one for about two years and wasted a lot of water unnecessarily. So I came up with my own system, which is not for everyone for sure, but it works great for me. I use a submersible pump that I bought through amazon for about $15.00. I build an attachment for my kitchen sink out of pvc pipes. I do use the brass attachment that came with the phyton. You can order just the python brass attechemt from Amazon.
Water Changing Contraption water faucet end.jpg

I made a refill out of pvc pipe at the tanks.
Water Changing Contraption water tank side.JPG

I use two water hoses one to fill and the other to empty. I set the pump inside the tank to pump out the water. And then line up the valves to use the sink to get the water to the right temperature. Then line up the valves to refill the tanks. You could use large plastic trash cans, new ones of course to fill your water with for preparing to use in your tanks as others have suggested. Get you two of the cheap submersible pumps one to pump water out of your tanks another for use inside the large plastic trash can on wheels. I have used these cheap pumps for several months now without any problems, however, I suggest you use a threaded pvc tap to screw into the pump and not the cheap plastic taps provided with the pumps. One of mine broke, but it was easy to unscrew the broken end and use the pvc tab instead.

One more thing, if you have sand substrate, do not use the submersible pump without a plate under it or inside a plastic Tupper ware container. The pump will pump up the sand through it and ruin it, without protecting it from the sand. You can hang the pump inside the tank just above the substrate if needed. Because I use pea pebbles for substrate I don't have a that probem.
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I've got 2 30L buckets, one for dirty water, one for clean water. I fill the bucket with clean water from a shower head in the bathtub then i wheel it to the tank on a small dolly. Add dechlorinator, drain 30L of tank water into the dirty bucket and then i use a bowl to scoop the clean water into the tank. It's probably not as quick as just running a hose but i like to dechlorinate the water and match the water temp before it goes in.
I’ll start drawing up plans... it ain’t gonna be cheap though...
A former boss used to say..... You can have it cheap, you can have it fast, you can have it good. Now pick 2 of those 3. I'd be happy with fast and good. I never expect anything in this hobby to be cheap!
I’ll be completely honest,

I got an email alert tagging me in the post, and I glanced my way through it.

ive been absolutely swamped lately with zero time to check in on the forum.

so I don’t have a 100% idea on what I’m drawing plans for... something about a shed... I think

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