Has anyone changed the filter position on a juwel?


Apr 19, 2004
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Leicester, England
I've been offered a juwel rekord 120 for free from a friend, but he says he had an accident with a peice of gravel getting stuck behing a magnetic algae cleaner which made a big scratch on the front of the tank.

It shouldnt be noticeable unless algae starts to grow in the groove, but I was wondering if anyone had moved the position of their filter/heater unit on a juwel aquarium? If we could move that, we could put the scratched side against the wall...

We already have one juwel and the filter/heater seems to be stuck in the corner where it is, I don't want to try and move it in case it upsets the fish that are in there so any replies from people who have tried would be great :)

Thanks in advance!
i havent done it but i cant see it being too difficult. just break the silicone round the side of the filter box with a credit card or something and re silicone it in the opposite corner.. make sure you use aquarium safe silocone. you can get this in most lfs.
Moving them is easy, all you need is a long sharp blade to cut the silicon that sticks the filter to the glass, a disposable retractable craft knife is ideal. Once you have removed the filter you then just re stick it where you want it using aquarium grade silicon following the instructions on the tube.
No he hasnt had fish in it since he had an accident with a new fish eating the entire contents of his tank :( I think he lost heart a bit then, but if we take the old tank off his hands, he said he would have space to buy a nice new one and start again :p

I will keep my eye out for aquarium safe silicone...
Or bin the juwel filter (keep the powerhead) and get an external filter :/

www :)
I removed my Juwel filter from a Rekord 70, a good bit of the silicone stuck to the glass, and its a real pain to get off!

On a minor issue, I'm not sure about Juewl, but some manufacturers use low grade glass on the backs and sides of their tanks, (if a filter is built in), they may have been rejects from other tanks that have dimples or distortion. I havent seen mush evidence on my Juwels but its possible.

I hadn't thought about the possibility that the glass at the back of the tank might not be the same standard as that at the front... I guess I'll just have to wait till Saturday when we pick the tank up and see what the damage is...

Is there anything that I could use to fill the scratch from the inside so that it was less noticeable??

I hadn't really thought about getting an external filter...to be honest I don't know anything about them. Any recommended brands I should look for??
Another thing to think about is that the tops of Juwel tanks are fitted to be a particular way round. By that I mean that the cut-outs for the cables and pipes is at the back. On my tank there are two such cut-outs. You may have to look into removing and rotating the lid as well.

As far as externals go I have only ever heard good things said about Eheim.


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