Hardiest Fish Of All Time?


Fish Crazy
Oct 16, 2011
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Voluntown, Connecticut (U.S.)
In your opinion, what is the hardiest fish of all time? The one that just won't die no matter what you do. The one that laughs at 2ppm ammonia and a pinch of chlorine.

Disclosure: I do not intend to nor will I ever purposely mistreat a fish, I'm just curious
Goldfish. How some of them are kept, its amazing they have enough room to breath.
Then there are goldfish that die off by the score with no apparent reason.

I was watching a TV show last night about people who are hoarders, and in one scene they showed what looked like a 29g setup that was so dirty, you couldn't see the back half of a (parrot cichlid) that was facing the front of the tank!!! I just wanted to rush over there and rescue those poor fish. But of course they'd be suffering from old tank syndrome and die within hours of putting them in a nice clean tank.

Oops ... sorry for the rant. I just can't get over that!
Asian Walking Catfish! Makes a Goldfish look decidedly wimpish!
(is not my video, by the way)

Hi When I was young we won a goldfish at the fairground. In those days you took one home in a small plastic bag when you threw a hoop over a bottle!!! We didnt have a tank so the fish spent the first few days in my mums best salad bowl. When we did get a tank it was one a neighbour gave us...a plastic one with no lid. We didnt have a pump or a filter or a heater cause we were young we just thought that a fish just needed water. The fish lived in the kitchen, was cleaned out about every 2 weeks. We would scoop out the fish with a glass put him in a bowl and then we would scrub out the tank using anything from bleach to washing up liquid. Then we would rinse everything off put in water straight from the tap and plop the fish back in. He lived for many years and grew to be quite a size! He must have been tough. Course this was in the early 70s and thankfully I know better now lol.
I've got to say goldfish as well they just don't seem to die. They are very messy though.
Why would you want to keep a pleco anyway. Unless you wanted it for cleaning purposes? Theyre not like bettas or guppies or these colorful fish. It's not like they're like "mommy look at that pretty one hanging on the tank wall. It's black and is called a Common plecostomus!"

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