Half-Moon Explosion!

wuvmybetta said:
*hoping for pics*

Congrats cation :D :kana:

Make sure they don't flare sooo much that they split their already torn fins, they're like panty hose...one small knick and rrrrrip!
No digital camera yet, unfortunately - I could've afforded a nice one by now if I hadn't gotten three tanks in the last 3 months....

Should I move one of them back to the 6g until the fins are healed?
Not if he looks comfy...just keep your eye on them. If the splits get bigger then I'd move one. Have they ate yet?
Franko has been eating since day one. Today, I just finished feeding the other tanks a little daphnia, and they got the very endof it. They both snapped it up. I'll try giving the newer guy some betta bites later, or tomorrow.
Thanks, inchworm. He's got some finnage growback to do, but he's going to be lovely. Hopefully I'll get a camera one of these days, and be able to show him off!

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