Half-Moon Explosion!

wuvmybetta said:
That's honestly something I was thinking about. I plan on buying another pair of breeders from BettaTalk this month... :shifty:

My lfs doesn't have the traffic to buy/sell pricey bettas, but I might be able to find one that does. If anything...I'll just sell the fry on AquaBid :shifty: 8)
hmmmmmmm aquabid you say........hmmmmmmmmm :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :hey:
omg'sh Julie (I'm sooo not trying to hijack but I can't help it!)

I just went to browse the stock and, and....*wipes drool* she has a pair of giant green bettas! 4 times the size of regular bettas! I ordered them!! But...I'm not sure if she still has them, somebody may have ordered before me and she just hasn't updated the page, I'll know in a day or so :hyper:
I so hate and envy you all. I hadn't seen a crowntail before last december. I have never seen halfmoons, plakats or any other really interesting ones. We only have the normal veiltails. And usually just red and blue ones.

But well. I have a black devil crowntail ;) If you can't find any, you will raise one :lol:

It is actually a good thing that there aren't any bettas in the stores I want. I have 8 males and 18 females. No room for more.
rain- said:
It is actually a good thing that there aren't any bettas in the stores I want. I have 8 males and 18 females. No room for more.
That's all? :lol: J/K But...there's always room for more :shifty: Is your coffee pot empty? :hyper:
Well, I could divide those large tanks. They could easily hold 20 males :wub:

Uhm, where is my silicone tube? *goes to make some serious renevating*
Cation, where are you? :unsure:

I want to know what bettas you bought! :) I hope you get back soon! :look:
I was nosey earlier and I found out they or he is in her possesion, she's just holding out on us ... :shifty: Keeping us in anticipation,aay? :hey:
Sorry, sorry....In addition to the new guy (one) I needed new housing . So we went to a different pet store to get one small betta home, and my darling bf suggested the 3 gallon glass tank that coud be 4 way divided. (visions of more bettas dance in her head...at least one more for the back 6g, and maybe a female for the community tank....) So I had to get that set up. I divided it into two parts, so both of my boys have a gallon and a half to themselves.

The bettas at the shop are kinda young, I think - so as a betta amatuer I had a little trouble telling the tails apart. I happened to fall for one that was not one of my first color choices -but he's a beaut. His body is a light purple, and his fins are lavender fading into blue.
wuvmybetta said:
omg'sh Julie (I'm sooo not trying to hijack but I can't help it!)

I just went to browse the stock and, and....*wipes drool* she has a pair of giant green bettas! 4 times the size of regular bettas! I ordered them!! But...I'm not sure if she still has them, somebody may have ordered before me and she just hasn't updated the page, I'll know in a day or so :hyper:
This thread has taken a million turns so too bad.. :p When she got in her first giant betta - the big red guy - I watched him on cam forever - he was AWESOME. So if you get a freaking pair, AHHHHH!!!! :hyper: Well, then you're just going to sell me a pair of the babies right?! :D I LOVE those giants - I think it's totally neato, I mean, thats 4x the personality too, right? :thumbs: Let me know if you gettim.. *crosses fingers*... (and turns a beautiful shade of "Jealous Green")!

Edit: Wow it took me way too long to write that, as now cation has a new boy! CONGRATS! He sounds absolutely lovely, I've been dying for a purple one, now I'm very jealous of you too. :p And rah rah for your man, he gets some fishie points from me! Glad to hear it all worked out for ya, and if you're ever coming down my way, let me know. :kana:
They are obsessed with each other now - the divider is clear glass, so I slipped a piece of backing in front of it so they wouldn't be face to face all the time. But they're finding tiny spots where they can see each other and flaring like crazy. Is this behaviour okay? Also, they both have small tears in their fins, have had since I got them. I bought some bettafix today and added some to their new abode, should I do anything else to help them heal?
juliethegr8t said:
wuvmybetta said:
omg'sh Julie (I'm sooo not trying to hijack but I can't help it!)

I just went to browse the stock and, and....*wipes drool* she has a pair of giant green bettas! 4 times the size of regular bettas! I ordered them!! But...I'm not sure if she still has them, somebody may have ordered before me and she just hasn't updated the page, I'll know in a day or so :hyper:
This thread has taken a million turns so too bad.. :p
I don't care - everybody feel free to talk about whatever you want! :D :nod:
cation said:
They are obsessed with each other now - the divider is clear glass, so I slipped a piece of backing in front of it so they wouldn't be face to face all the time. But they're finding tiny spots where they can see each other and flaring like crazy. Is this behaviour okay? Also, they both have small tears in their fins, have had since I got them. I bought some bettafix today and added some to their new abode, should I do anything else to help them heal?
If they only have tiny spots where they can see each other, they will be fine. They'll probably be like that for a few days and then calm down - all my boys go nuts when they first encounter "competition"... lol. :rolleyes: Bettafix is good stuff, that's probably just fine. You could also add a little bit of aquarium salt if you have it, just as a precaution. So does the new guy have a tail that looks... "moony"?? :hyper: (Jealous face goes here)
*hoping for pics*

Congrats cation :D :kana:

Make sure they don't flare sooo much that they split their already torn fins, they're like panty hose...one small knick and rrrrrip!

Julie~ I never saw the red one!!!! arrrg! I'm jealous, I hope,hope,hope I was the first one to order the giants, she just listed them yesterday so it's possible :kana: I already put the money in my paypal account just in case :hey:
Looks that way - when he flares strongly, it looks like a straight line half moon. His dorsal and pectoral fins overlap when he flares fully. his fins are kinda see-through. He's purty :wub: .

Julie, if you end up wanting me to pick one up for you and keep him here till you can get him, let me know. With the new tank, I could find room for him in the 6g. The rasboras will soon be in the 20g, and Franko did fine with them - they didn't bother him at all! If not, that's cool too - just something to keep in mind.

How much salt for three gallons, do you think? I was thinking a heaping teaspoon...

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