Had To Update My Fish List


Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Apr 6, 2013
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Well I had to update my fish list. I have lost 3 neons in the last 2 months. I am really upset about this as I am now down to just 3. They had been losing their fins but that is the only sign I had that they were sick. I don't know what's wrong because everything is testing fine and I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. And it seems like the one that has a really bad dorsal fin is getting better, his fin is growing back. The other 2 look perfectly healthy.
Do you think its cruel to not get more so they will have a good school? If they are dying off I would rather get cardinal tetras if I get anything. Frankly the tank is overcrowded anyway.
Where are you purchasing your fish?

And it sounds like your fish have a bad case of fin rot.  Do you have any other fish in your tank besides these neons? 
Yes I have 5 vonrio tetras, 4 corys, 1 dojo loach, I bn pleco and 1 dwarf gourami. I got them all from Aquarium Adventure. None of the other fish have any issue with their fins and I got the 6 neons over a year ago.
I would immediately remove the other fish and go down to your local pet store and purchase melafix. Has your tank temperature fluctuated at all recently?
there is no place to put the other fish. melafix is a good idea, I will have to look into that, thanks for the suggestion. No the temp has not fluctuated, I keep it at 76 and the pH is steady at 6.4. ammonia and nitrite 0 and nitrates are 40ppm before WC and 20 after. There is only a 2 degree flux when I add the new water. There is one possibility. About a month ago my pH was 5 so I started mixing straight dechlorinated water with the R/O I was putting in there to raise the pH but now I make sure the water going in is the same pH All the fish have been in there for quite a while. Gourami 2 yrs, tetras 2 yrs, dojo loach 2 yrs, pleco 1.5 yrs, and one cory for 2 years and the other 3 for 6 months. Its a 29g aquarium so it is overstocked except I do want to add 2 more corys. I will look into the melafix and monitor everyone and their fins closely. I prolly won't get more neons. I like them and would like to but with it being so overcrowded I am afraid that that might be the issue. Thanks for the replies!

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