Guppy Fry In Tupperware Container?


Mostly New Member
Sep 10, 2014
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If I did daily water changes and bubbled it, could I keep maybe a dozen guppy fry in a large tupperware? I bought guppies for my tank at college knowing they would breed, bought virgin blue-tailed females and some interesting shiny baby-blue and purple bodied males with blue and orange tails and would really like to see what I get, but ended up accidentally getting a pair of GBRs, and I would really like to keep a few fry from getting eaten. It would only be until they were big enough to survive getting eaten. Or should I just go with survival of the fittest? 
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about saving the fry. I think I've mentioned before that your stocking won't work for long, so you'll need to make some decisions soon. Keeping the fry just means you'll have a severely over-crowded tank once the fry are large enough to move into the main tank. I would not save any of the fry. Actually, I would try to find a way to rehome (at least temporarily) your female guppies. If you move out the males, the females will still be able to drop fry off a single mating months ago. You'll still get fry that way. 
Also, seeing issues with the other tanks listed in your sig. Comet golds need more than 100 gallons for a single fish. They certainly don't need to be kept in a seven gallon... I would focus, for now, on getting all your tanks situated before allowing your fish to breed. 
I'm removing the Rams the first week of october and bringing them home to throw in the 40 with the others, the female is now being harassed by the male, he's probably been the unseen issue the whole time, they will be gone before the guppies should drop, then I will just have the 4 guppies and 2 corries, and I might even leave them home, because I have the other seven and they would be happier, plus it would save me money and I could just use dechlorinated tap instead of mixing in distilled.

And I know the goldfish are an issue, those are actually another rescue attempt, my old highschool pond is was being drained when they were renovating the school, there were probably 500 goldfish in an 8 foot knee deep pond. They were going to be dumped in the local lake, they would have been an environmental disaster in the making, my ecology club took a bunch home or found people with personal ponds to put them in, but I ended up with the remainders thanks to having tanks, and they were a little over the size the local petstore would take. Lol, I also have 7 special needs cats, 4 other "foster failure" cats, a dog on human anxiety meds from the vet who has full panic attacks at loud noises and the smell of smoke, and a blind tortoise with permanent shell damage from a run-in with a dog. I've had fostered tarantulas, pythons, even a pigmy goat, I worked at the local humane society, I have a weak spot for screwed up/unlucky animals, I try to save everything, I could never willingly hurt an animal without cause. 

We're building a pond in my yard next summer, its what they came from and where they are going, that is just temporary, I'll probably even post pics here once we get that started, we just haven't had time with my sister going to college this year. 
If it were me I'd leave the fry in the tank and let nature take its course. Then the tank will maintain its own equilibrium. Guppies breed very prolifically so if you try to save every single one you'll be overrun. Survival of the fittest is the best way in my opinion.
Based on what you've said you sound like you have 2 males and 2 females? Ideally if you only want 4 guppies you should have 3 females and 1 male and keep to that ratio, otherwise you'll find the males harass the females, sometimes to death with their over exuberance.
Yeah, and oddly the males seem to leave the females alone, they kinda hang out on opposite sides of the tank, its like the males like the flow from the filter and the females don't or something, I was going to get another female or two in a different color, the blue was all the store had, I really wanted orange, but then I ended up with accidental rams that have been giving me a ton of issues. I've been making plans and reorganizing stuff with my family at home to try and get the rams a better place and have kinda forgotten about the guppies, but with the rams gone the plant coverage in my tank should be fine for a few fry to make it, I just expected the rams to chase down every fry they saw, my ones at home chase the neons let alone guppy fry. 

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