I'm removing the Rams the first week of october and bringing them home to throw in the 40 with the others, the female is now being harassed by the male, he's probably been the unseen issue the whole time, they will be gone before the guppies should drop, then I will just have the 4 guppies and 2 corries, and I might even leave them home, because I have the other seven and they would be happier, plus it would save me money and I could just use dechlorinated tap instead of mixing in distilled.
And I know the goldfish are an issue, those are actually another rescue attempt, my old highschool pond is was being drained when they were renovating the school, there were probably 500 goldfish in an 8 foot knee deep pond. They were going to be dumped in the local lake, they would have been an environmental disaster in the making, my ecology club took a bunch home or found people with personal ponds to put them in, but I ended up with the remainders thanks to having tanks, and they were a little over the size the local petstore would take. Lol, I also have 7 special needs cats, 4 other "foster failure" cats, a dog on human anxiety meds from the vet who has full panic attacks at loud noises and the smell of smoke, and a blind tortoise with permanent shell damage from a run-in with a dog. I've had fostered tarantulas, pythons, even a pigmy goat, I worked at the local humane society, I have a weak spot for screwed up/unlucky animals, I try to save everything, I could never willingly hurt an animal without cause.
We're building a pond in my yard next summer, its what they came from and where they are going, that is just temporary, I'll probably even post pics here once we get that started, we just haven't had time with my sister going to college this year.