
As i am a HUGE newb i wont comment on the female flirting thing, but i do know that cylcling with fish is not the best way. It will damage the fish shortening their lifespan and making them endure weeks of poisoning isn't really moral. This is pointless when a new method of cyling is now known. Your LFS guy might not know about it because it is fairly new

Go to THIS link for more info on fishless cycling.

If i am wrong about anything i just said feel free to rub my face in it. Better yet, I insist you do so.
I have nine guppies, 5 female and 4 male. I did my cycling with fish but did not know any other way when I started out. My second tank i did fishless and would personally say I prefer it and would always go fishless in future (its much less stressful), but there is not anything wrong in cycling with fish as long as you do lots of water changes and keep a close eye on you water parameters with a good testing kit. This link may help if you are cycling with fish Fish cycling

However, my guppies are fine and have lots of babies, and my females do sometimes 'display' to males as well as the male 'displaying' to females a lot. :fun: :fun:

I do not know what ratio of male to female you have, but they say you should have 2/3 females per male. my ratio of 5/4 seems to be working out fine at the moment, but should I notice the males stressing out the females I would increase the females to help the situation.

Good Luck. :cool:

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