Do you mean Sophie and Roney
Lol, ya, I know, my vernacular or punctuation isn't always on key. I blame auto correct.
We have added some new members to our family also. Just a few shrimp, as I've gathered their bio-load is rather small, and I want to progress very slowly. We got one Orange Bee shrimp I believe they called it, said it's just like red cherry, but orange. As well as two ghost shrimp. I actually think I got a male and a female, cuz one is enormous, and has a slightly different body shape.
I also am unsure of how they classify red cherry shrimp into fire red or sakura? Is it just if they are brighter, they are referred to that way? Or do they have to be a specific breed? Cuz our red cherry is super red, and red all through his legs, which online I red classifies as fire red?
Anyways, tank is doing great, levels all holding pretty steady. I check it every day, after 3 days or so, the ammonia might show a 0.05, just ever so slightly darker yellow color, but nowhere near the light green, so I do about a gallon water change, and it's back to 0.00. Nitrite is always 0.0, and nitrate is always between 0.0, and 0.25, usually on the lower side.
The shrimp are all molting too, which is good I think.
Thanks again every one! Especially you essjay. I'e actually made a little note in my Samsung note app on my note 8, and compiled your info into it, so I can reference it quickly!
You have been more than helpful, and very kind and understanding. Your a good soul. All of you are, and I appreciate all of you!