

New Member
Jun 10, 2005
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ok is it safe for me to unplug the heater i dont want to kill my fish
Why would you want to unplug your heater? Is it too hot or something? Or do you just need to unplug it for a water change? If its for a water change, you won't have to worry because the temp won't drop that quickly, so you can do the water change and then plug it in right after.
Yep, you can unplug it. Just make sure it doesn't drop too drasticly, I would watch the temp for awhile.
i unplugged about 3 uk time and it is still in the 30 mark am worried my fish will die tho
What kind of temperature is it inside form home if it get offer the temperature of the accruate temp for your tank you can unplug for heater. But if it is to hot you might need to turn up your air conditioner. That might give you a bigger electric bill but if you don't whan't your fish to die thank might be the way to do it. Maybe you could find something to cool the water of your tank. Maybe you could ask your lfs if they have something to cool your water. Other than that you could unplug your heater.
silly questions but whts ifs and also i have all my house fans on and it still wont drop
I am having the same temp issues as you. I unplugged my heater a week ago, and the tank still steadily climbs as far as 90! My outside air thermometer reads on average 91-92, with the inside reading only a degree lower. We have no wind to bring the temps down.

I am carrying out water changes at least once daily, sometimes twice a day to keep the tank temp down, which is a concern since I am on a water meter :crazy: I tried adding a bag of ice, but it melted within 5 minutes! I have added plenty of airstones to the tank to help oxygenate the water, and have stripped the labelling off a 4 litre milk carton, washed it, filled it with water and frozen it. Tomorrow I plan to drain off some water and float the bottle, hopefully this will help.
lfs means local fish store. Maybe you could take some of the water out and put ice in there. You could use the ice to cool it down but it might not cool the water for very long. If you go to your lfs ask them about a water cooler or if the sell something that cools your water. Hope that I can help you.
pain in the butt aint it i cant keep it cool i tried frozen water but like u say melts to quick and it didnt help
What size is your tank, Tracey? Try a small water change using cold water only. You need to trickle it slowly to avoid a temperature shock to the fish.
I've had my heater off for days now, the temp hasn't fallen it's that hot.

If you have a Fan direct it at the tank, if the tank isn't huge it will actually cool it slightly..
Hi Trace,

Take out a small amount of tank water, say 2 pints or so and replace with cool water. Poor it in slowly at one end so that it mixes naturaly with the rest.


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