
Just wondering- Whats the point in turning it off? Almost all heaters have a thermostat, the tanks won't overheat because the heater is on.
not a comment that will help but air conditioning ...this is england lol!!! i wish i had it though too hot! but you know weare miles behind everyone else as usual! even though it happens every year! no one does ne thing about it.
I think most of the UK is having the same probs, mine is up to 30*c. Nearly all the house's in the UK don't have AC. Water cooler units are about 3-£500 a hugh amount of money for something you may only use once a year.
My water is actually going up to 32C through-out the day now, at night it drops to 29C. I usually keep my temp around 28C ... which means the difference for me has gone graduatly, and isn't too big. None of my fish seem to suffer or anything ... they made it through the last summer, I hope they will again.

Also, I hear of loads of people adding ice ... surely this can not be good? If a fish can already go into shock and die from it when you do a water change with the water being, lets say, 5C cooler than the tank water ... I'm quite sure this will definatly do them no good.

I don't like messing around with it. My heaters are unplugged simply because I don't need them right now, my lights are on less and not through-out the afternoon hours, door is open with a fan in my room ... it won't get cooler than it is now, and to be honest I'm not even too worried =/
OohFeeshy said:
Just wondering- Whats the point in turning it off? Almost all heaters have a thermostat, the tanks won't overheat because the heater is on.
That's what I was thinking. Why take them out? If the temp is so high the heaters wont be turning on anyways.... :dunno:
well someone said it might help im new to all this so i dont know wht to do
I remove the heaters from all my tanks from june till september, with indoor temperatures averaging between 75 and 80f there is just no need to leave them running. Switching them off and removing them from the tank for 3 months each summer increases their life by 9 months over a 3 year period.
OohFeeshy said:
Just wondering- Whats the point in turning it off? Almost all heaters have a thermostat, the tanks won't overheat because the heater is on.
Exactly ! All modern heaters have an auto shut-off system ? So what the point of unplugging ? The difference in temeperature will be far greater if the heater is unplugged.

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