

Fish Herder
Apr 16, 2008
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United Kingdom
i just went up to my room and saw a german blue ram with a rummy nose tetra in his mouth! i was covering my eyes :'(

i got the rummy nose about 2 weeks ago, it only had half a tail and was really slim.. it couldn't keep up with the other 4, but tried his best..

anyway it was gross, the rummy was trying to get out his mouth and the GBR had him by the tail.. he let go and it wriggled off a bit and swam into the hydor ario which bubbles, so it was blown to the top, so i netted it.. i had to leave it in my bucket dying :(
Aw... that's horrid... :/

Couldnt you put it in the freezer and end its suffering?
i could but i had a 30 min shower since taking it out of water.. it was probably 45 mins since it came out, probably too late now
Aw... that's horrid... :/

Couldnt you put it in the freezer and end its suffering?
you dont kill fish by putting them in the freezer thats cruel the way to dispose of fish is to put 10/drops of clove oil in a container put the fish in and it dies in seconds
clove oil just makes them unconsious, and if you dont find a way to kill them after putting them in it they can come back round =\
Get a large glass or jug-fill with cold water-add lots of ice -wait 5 mins and drop the fish in. This will put the fish to sleep-i know, i've done it hundreds of times.
Aw :( I kind of know how you feel. I had a runty little peppered cory who was caught and eaten face first by my ghost shrimp while I was at work . My mother tried to get the shrimp to let go by whooshing him away with my planting stick, but he just grabbed the cory again when she'd gone . She hates my shrimp now. She calls him Hannibal !

i have a deformed peppered cory cat, i bought 4 a few weeks ago and its the only survivor :p in with my bettas
How is putting in the freezer any crueler than dropping in ice? I always thought if you put a fish in a container of its own water, in the freezer - it would slowly get colder putting it to sleep then freezing it..?
clove oil just makes them unconsious, and if you dont find a way to kill them after putting them in it they can come back round =\

this is not true as it can be used to aneathatise a fish or to kill a fish depending on how much u use. It is the most humane way to kill a fish as there is no stress to the fish.

Putting it on ice etc is cruel as there is sufferign to the fish.
How is putting in the freezer any crueler than dropping in ice? I always thought if you put a fish in a container of its own water, in the freezer - it would slowly get colder putting it to sleep then freezing it..?

Dropping it in ice drops their body temperature rapidly and they die of shock. Putting it in the freezer slowly lowers their temperature and they die as ice crystals form in their body and rupture cells and membranes.
There has been a debate about euthanasia for some time-cutting the head off and piercing the brain has been suggested too. Scientific tests have shown the fish goes to sleep in a euphoric state, if dropped in ice.
but to be honest i dont want to cut it open and stab it.. its all a bit extreme.

My stance with that, as well as hitting them over the head or against a hard surface: If you've got the slightest apprehensions, don't try, go with clove oil or ice. Doubts or debate aside, it's better to go with something you're less likely to screw up. If you flinch and don't do it right the first time, you'll only add suffering, and there's also something to be said for minimizing your own anguish through the process.
yeah lol my sister once smacked one with a clock :crazy:
it had really bad white patch.. it could be velvet im not sure what that looks like though

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