
doing that to a fish would be like a human drowning, they'd basically suffocate cos they can't get air in the correct way.

suffocation (in humans) is known to be one of the most horrible painful and distressing ways to die. :/

while i understand it's gruesome IMHO the quickest way is the best, if it's ill to the point where you need to euthanaise then it's gonna be in a lot of pain anyway. Best way is to chop their head off, by stamping or hitting them with something you can't be sure that you'd kill them, if you sever the spinal chord then they're definately dead. As Corleone said though you have to be confident you can do it properly, if you think you'd get grossed out or slip and make a mistake then you could end up butchering the poor thing and causing a lot more pain so if thats the case then clove oil is probably the best solution.

Seems the most intelligent responce so far.
So how bout clove oil, and THEN the freezer/icewater? Thats probably the route I'd go.

I don't think I could violently execute an animal.
Or you could just keep your fish healthy and out of harms way, then you will never need to euthanise them
Nice thought Davo but it happens to us all at some time no matter how good at fishkeeping we are!

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