
i say leave the fish alone, even if it appears to be suffering. you never know when a fish might come around and you could take away a life needlessly by killing it before it comes around.

think about it, how would you like someone to end your 'suffering' just when you were about to get better? would god deliver you from your 'misery' when you appear to be at the gates of death? i think not.

then again, some people just like to play god..
if the ram only had it by the tail couldn't you have put it in a quarantine tank with some melafix?
Uk peeps do not like to see animals/creatures etc suffering unnecessarily,we are known for our caring nature. Either let a vet investigate or put the fish to sleep-You cant just guess whether a fish will return to health just by looking at it sitting still in a tank.(it could be stunned). Get some advice (possibly on here) Wilder might be able to point you in the right direction. If it looks nasty then put the fish down. Better to be safe than sorry.
Ok I see a lot of people talking about the "nicest" way to end a fish's life. Personally I would never do it because everyfish no matter what state should be given the chance to recover (as a human is). But If i was to kill a fish I would step on it and squash it. Instant death. Put it this way, I would rather be killed instantly than freeze to death!!!
Ok I see a lot of people talking about the "nicest" way to end a fish's life. Personally I would never do it because everyfish no matter what state should be given the chance to recover (as a human is). But If i was to kill a fish I would step on it and squash it. Instant death. Put it this way, I would rather be killed instantly than freeze to death!!!

yes but that must be very painful no matte how quick it freezing water and then dropping the fish straight in it insantly kills it pain-free ...squashing a fish?? would you like to be stamped on?
would you like to be stamped on..? lol!

yes ive heard its one of the 10 things to do before you die. maybe the last thing you do :p
Ok I see a lot of people talking about the "nicest" way to end a fish's life. Personally I would never do it because everyfish no matter what state should be given the chance to recover (as a human is). But If i was to kill a fish I would step on it and squash it. Instant death. Put it this way, I would rather be killed instantly than freeze to death!!!

yes but that must be very painful no matte how quick it freezing water and then dropping the fish straight in it insantly kills it pain-free ...squashing a fish?? would you like to be stamped on?

It would be painfull (if atall) for like 0.01seconds. and yes i would rather die instantly than freeze to death. fact. people just think stamping is cruel because its a brutal act. Its not cruel (if you have to) like i said, i would never kill a fish unless i am going to eat it.
As fishkeeping is obviously such a popular hobby you would you think that they would have come up with something which will sick fish instantly and humanely? Surely it cant be that hard to produce some kind of anaesthetic which when added to a small amount of water would kill them instantly? :sad:
As fishkeeping is obviously such a popular hobby you would you think that they would have come up with something which will sick fish instantly and humanely? Surely it cant be that hard to produce some kind of anaesthetic which when added to a small amount of water would kill them instantly? :sad:

clove oil can kill fish pain-free but it has to be given in the right quantity or the fish will jut be asleepand could wake back up :crazy:
Could you not use the oil either way then just take it out of water? If it's asleep it'll just "suffocate" right? No pain?
doing that to a fish would be like a human drowning, they'd basically suffocate cos they can't get air in the correct way.

suffocation (in humans) is known to be one of the most horrible painful and distressing ways to die. :/

while i understand it's gruesome IMHO the quickest way is the best, if it's ill to the point where you need to euthanaise then it's gonna be in a lot of pain anyway. Best way is to chop their head off, by stamping or hitting them with something you can't be sure that you'd kill them, if you sever the spinal chord then they're definately dead. As Corleone said though you have to be confident you can do it properly, if you think you'd get grossed out or slip and make a mistake then you could end up butchering the poor thing and causing a lot more pain so if thats the case then clove oil is probably the best solution.

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