Green Phantom

a quick shot and silent video of my shrimp and pleco with some zucchini, and a general overview of the tank everything is growing lovely including the red Alternanthera sp Rosanervig and my Flame moss is growing nicely ontop of the cave seems to grow up rather than out at the moment
Very nice project Ziko.It looks excellent and with this spray bar you will have flow evenly across the tank.
thnx don, maybe even flow around the tank but i still seem to get small pockets of algae, i think its BBA as its so small maybe the fish are keeping it in check its not sprawling out of control yet. 
sad news i keep loosing fish, altho i did notice the other day my heater packed up :( fuse blown no idea how but i put a new fuse in an all is working fine, tank was down to 16c and was like that all night, with no heating in my house i have no idea what temp it actually dropped down to all the fish seem to be fine looked non for the worse but i keep loosing CPD's about one a week at the moment, I'm wondering if i haven't been feeding them enough :S maybe i should be a bit more strict on the 1 feed  a day and not 1 feed every 2 or 3 days,
on another note the tank plants are growing in well and i have an update pic for you all been a while since i posted a pic :)

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