okay not much has changed since i left for camping, my crypts have stopped melting and some hair algae has started to grow again, i went out and bought 10 more amano's this is not due to the algae increase but i changed my mind over getting cory's and now my bottom dwellers are going to be the amano's so i have 16 of these.
i did the other day do a huge WC 100% again in line with my EI plan but i did a little rescape took out the old Nomapgila Stricta trimmed the extra growth that occurred from my last cut back and threw away the roots so now i have a few more stems, i also noticed some did die away from trimming and probably have caused some of the algae issues i have, i decided to regroup this plant together on the back right of the tank, i felt grouping various plants together rather than spacing them out may look nicer
Rotala wallichii did die back slightly from my last trim and seems to be growing well but i can see this plant being more of a nuisance even tho it looks nice i did see it in a larger aquarium and this plant looks so nice but it was over 1m tall so i may end up getting rid of this plant in the near future
i left my crypts, sword and vali in there place but i did trim some old leafs from the swords.
the anubias in my tank has also been growing well as u can see from previous pictures it started to flower i did cut the flower off as it was covered in algae and stopped growing i also noticed new leafs growing so i cut a few older leafs off to allow more light to the lower new growth maybe they will grow quicker and also i noticed the anubias has actually attached itself to my wood so i removed the fishing line and removed some of the roots that where not needed anymore hopefully this cut back won't hurt it to much
but the biggest change in my tank was the DHG it was growing but growing slowly and so i removed it all clean it up and remove all the dead pieces and instead of clumping it together like i had done before, i did what i did in my new iwagumi tank (yet to create journal) and plant the DHG individually and i have spaced it out across the whole front of the tank and i shall see if we get better growth from this as the cuba in my new tank has grown well by doing this
okay enough chat and more pictures
Before the WC and Clean
After the first initial clean sorry for the fogginess the substrate leaves a mess when disturbed
and finally with the DHG spread out
i just noticed this is the first picture with the new Spray bar i made its not ideal as i had to tweak it once it was inside the tank but it works very well with my co2 and allows better flow around the tank i feel.
okay some close ups of the DHG and anubias
any comments criticism or even tips for me are always welcome let me know how you think my tank looks
I'm off again camping for a week on wednesday again so il dose the required ferts and then hope for the best, il take a picture tonight and a picture a soon as i get back to see if anything has changed
thank again for reading and looking