Green Algea


New Member
Oct 6, 2003
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Mishawaka, IN

Okay, so. I'm in a rut. I'm having people over tomorrow afternoon, and I was cleaning everything and I just realized, the rocks in my tank are quite filthy. They are, infact, green.

and my walls were quite brown.


SO I NEED ASSISTANCE. Thats right, this is a shameles cry for help from someone with a lot of pride. :*)

Could someone tell me how to clean all the green off of my rocks? They range from a large pea to a small pebble. I had a small cyphon thing.. but I dont have a dumb sponge to clean the walls with. I had one, once, but I had to throw it away, and I dont have any clean sponges.

I'm afraid you are out of luck. I would suggest running to the store tomorrow to either A)buy an algae scraper or B)buy a sponge of some sort. As far as cleaning the rocks, take them out physically and find some way to scrape it off. Now the important part.. preventing it in the future! Go get yourself an algae eater.. How big is your tank? Also, do you have real or fake plants? And, does your tank receive a lot of direct sunlight? If you provide this information, we can probably help you out more. I wish I had the "quick" fix for ya though, but.. I don't! Good luck! And btw, some people actually "like" a bit of algae in their tank. It can give it character! Just my 2 cents!

You could buy a pleco. I bought 4 bristlenoses and they cleaned my brown algae overnight. This way you get a cool fish and as a bonus they clean your tank for you :D You can't go wrong! ;)
Lol, well, hm.

I really honestly dont know how big my tank is. The guy who sold it to us said its 35, but I think its more around 25.

I have 4 fish right now, Betta, and three tetras.

A bunch of fish died a while back, and I havent found time to replace them.

My chemical problems are getting sort of bad, I cant get to what I need no matter what I do. :blink:

I used to have live plants, but I took them out and they're currently rotting in a bowl of water. Also, the tank doesnt get a lot of direct sunlight, but it does in fact get a little bit of sun every now and then. Its right next to my window, but up against the wall, so if I have the blinds open at the right time it gets sun. If that makes any sense whatsoever.

BUT. Nevertheless.

I used to have a chinese algea eater, but.. he disappeared. I also had a pleco.. and.. he died. I swear, I'm about to just give up on fish. Dogs seem so much easier. :unsure:
Don't give up. Avoid the chinese algae eater. As they mature, they give up on algae and begin to eat the slime coat of other fish. A Pleco would suit your tank well. I suggest getting another one as soon as you can. They really do a number on algae! As for the "chemical problems" - you need to be a little more specific so people can offer advice. Or, talk to your fish store and get some help! Good luck!

I noticed the comment on buying a common pleco. My experience with them is that they produce more crap than they eat hence causing different problems !
I don't know if this is too late, but is it possible to just flip the rock over? I have done this from time to time, the underside of the rocks won't have algae on them. HTH :)

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