Grayscale's 55G Peice Of Paradise

Cause, i'm not "officially" a saltie. I did find out that it is a sealant! Which of course is great news.

Bad news, my roommate that owns the house, is freshly engaged and pondering selling the house. So, sadly, I think I will have to put this tank on hold again so I don't have to move it. Sorry to disappoint you all. I'm pretty frustrated myself.
Cause, i'm not "officially" a saltie. I did find out that it is a sealant! Which of course is great news.

Bad news, my roommate that owns the house, is freshly engaged and pondering selling the house. So, sadly, I think I will have to put this tank on hold again so I don't have to move it. Sorry to disappoint you all. I'm pretty frustrated myself.

You are close enough.

Man! Tell your roommate to have a little heart! I'm more disappointed for you. That stinks.

Glad that it is sealant, though.
Its alright, my roommate talked to me again the this morning and told me that I have between 60-120 days before I absolutely have to move out. Which in my case is a good thing since I wasnt sure when he would talk to a realtor and I get to move out sooner than expected which means the tank gets to be set up sooner. Once I move it will be my first project done, i'm tired of seeing "dust fish" sitting at the bottom of the tank. Haha

I am also very glad that its sealant, means less overall work. :good:

So, left on the supply list at this point:
Rubberized carpet to set the sump on.

Fish stocking:
Platinum clowns
Watchman goby
Possibly a flame angel and/or
Purple firefish

Coral stocking:
Various zoas
Plate coral
Various mushies
Toadstool leather
And more(suggestions welcome)
I will eventually want a maxima clam and possibly a tube nem or bta.

Pistol shrimp (to go with goby)
Rest undecided

I havent had much of a chance to fully research CUC, theres so many choices out there that its just mind boggling to remember them all.

Any and all suggestions/criticism is welcome! Still have at least two months to make a final stocking list.
Just making sure you've seen platinum clown prices? :p Although I would be a hypocrite if I objected to spending that much on fish...

How about a pair of cleaners or fire shrimps?
OH and you HAVE to get a wrasse in there somewhere :p
I like CUCs, they are fun to plan.

I really like the following...

Banded trochus - I know that if they get flipped upside down, they die, but they do a good job eating algae and they are just so festive to look at, especially if you get a young snail that doesn't have a lot of algae growing on it. the bands are iredescent maroon and pearl. It's a pretty snail.

ceriths - they work very hard and will eat pretty much anything that you want them to eat, without touching anything that you don't want them to eat.

Nassarius snails - get N. vibex. Great snail and very fun to watch as it pops out of the substrate when foods on the table. A sand sifter.

Stomatellas - One of my favorite snails. Excellent cleaners.

Hermit crabs - I like them, though they can be bumbling sometimes and just walk all over everything. I don't like mixing species, but others do it without a problem. I've kept 3 species...

1. Scarlet hermits, they are like on valium. They move slow, they eat, and they are very peaceful. They also don't kill for shells as much as I've seen other hermits do.

2. Blue-legged hermits, they are like on speed. They move fast, they'll eat anything, and they are pretty peaceful too. They change shells like I change my shoes! They've killed a few snails in my 36g and to be honest, if I had to do it all over again, I'd replace these guys with scarlets. They kind of disrupt my seagrass beds a bit. They also walk all over everything. All hermits do, but I don't notice the scarlets causing as much disruption.

3. Electric Blue hermits - These guys are on vodka. Very clumsy, rather big. I love them to death, but they'll walk and knock everything down, and I've got little ones. They can get to like 2". I can trade mine at the lfs when they get too big and get little ones.

Emerald crabs - I like mine, but mine is a little one and he behaves.

I could go on. In MARC there is a series of good threads by Steelhealr about the CUC. For the most part, it's very good. A few more species need to be added though.

Just making sure you've seen platinum clown prices? :p Although I would be a hypocrite if I objected to spending that much on fish...

How about a pair of cleaners or fire shrimps?
OH and you HAVE to get a wrasse in there somewhere :p

Yes, indeed I have seen the prices! Ridiculous right? One of the lfs has a pair for $700. But, if you got them to breed and could keep the fry alive, that would be some good trade in value/sale value haha. I will have to get you to come down south steph to northern va to give me a hand with raising the fry etc! Haha

Maybe I will start out with a picasso or some other clown thats not your normal percula or false percula.

What wrasse would you recommend steph with stocking so far? I was definately considering one. Maybe a six line, fairy or flasher wrasse?
I have seen platinums for less online around $400... but they are still expensive of course. Onyx are still super nice if you go down in price and picassos are neat too. If you think you may eventually breed, a regular ocellaris and a black make for an interesting pair- baby wise. I've seen some of the various rarer ones (like picassos) come from an orange and black pair.

I don't like sixlines... they're kind of hit and miss in a community tank. I had a nasty one. Any flasher or fairy would love that tank. There are so many different types, take a look and see which you like!
I was definately looking at a flasher. That could be interesting breeding those two. Might have to give it a go. Another reason I was looking at a platinum pair is because i want a nice show fish and those would definately be it! I might not get them until a ways down the road when I get a nem. So starting out with something more "normal" to begin with might be an alright idea. EDIT: Pseudocheilinus ocellatus... So awesome!

Thanks llj! I have read all the cuc stuff in marc. It was only a quick skim and I didnt retain much. That information you just posted is great though! I like personal experience type knowledge.
So slight update. Nothing new is going on with the tank yet but I am moving on Tuesday and tax returns are right around the corner. Hopefully in a month I should be pet rock watching. :good:

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