OK... we have a number of suggestions already... Now thinking about a format that we can combine all of these into one topic..... I suggest we start a topic called "Gouramie Inventory", and then the posting into that inventory topic follows a sequence as follows: (
for example)
My Name: Ludwig Venter
My Gouramie: Kissing Gouramie
Tankmates of My Gouramie: Angels, Plecostumus, Spanner Barbs, Rosy Barbs, Corys, Discus, Kribensis, Shrimp, Raphaelis, Platies, Rio Tetra.
Harmony in tank: Peacefull... no threats. (however... the Kissers were a bit of a problem themselves in the beginning - Not aggressive, but a nuisance in trying to get slime off the skins of other fish, but that has now stopped.
I Feed: Mostly ordinary tetramin flakes with occasional Frozen Bloodworms, Peas and cucumber.
My water temp: 24 to 26 Deg C.
Diseases/Ilnesses experienced: None to date
Current age of Gouramie: 3 years.
Other points of interest I have observed:"Kissing" activities seem to (normally) take place directly after every feeding.
Pics of my Gouramie:
Can anyone think of anything else to include in the list of info???